Award Winning Obstetrical and Gynecologic Specialist, Dr. Shahnoz Rustamova is an Expert on Women's Health
New York, NY, October 1, 2014 ( - In our Cosmetics Office, the professionally trained all-female staff provides cosmetics treatments such as Botox, Restylane & Juvederm, Microdermabraison, Skin Rejeuvenation, Laser IPL RF skin tightening, Liposuction (without surgery) and Laser hair removal.
All injectable treatments are performed by Cosmetogynecologist Surgeon Dr. Rustamova who uses the latest techniques, together with her artistic talents enhance her patients health and beauty. Specializing in nonsurgical procedures including, Botox, Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm, Dr. Rustamova is a member of the International Society of Cosmetogynecology and certified by The American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG). She has also won the 2014 Top OB/GYN award and the 2011 Patients Choice Award. CBS TV has featured her 20-minute facial beautification segment, as well as local TV channels, Telemundo, Univision, Bravo and WCBC Radio.
Increasingly popular, aesthetic injections and dermal fillers have proven to be extremely effective in producing a younger, more refreshed appearance. Injectable Facial Rejuvenation can help remove wrinkles and produce fuller, more beautiful lips, redefining your natural features and adding volume to facial areas affected by aging.
CoolSculpting: This non-invasive procedure uses cooling technology to eliminate fat without surgery. In a one-on-one consultation, your doctor will help you determine the best treatment plan.
LiLa's Strawberry Laser: No drugs or anesthesia are needed for this quick, painless and non-invasive means of sculpting the body. A low-level cold red laser stimulates fat cells so that they are expelled naturally from your body and you lose inches. Reduction from waist size 42 to 34 within a month has been observed with just three treatments.
IPL Skin Rejuvenation. Non-invasive Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy improves your appearance by removing unsightly wrinkles, freckles, veins in your face or legs and dark hair. It also can help erase acne and stretch marks. The “photorejuventation” procedure requires a series of IPL treatments.
Microdermabrasion: uses tiny rough crystals or diamonds to buff away the surface layer of skin, usually on the face, chest, neck, arms or hands, leaving skin looking softer and brighter. It works on all skin types and colors, making subtle changes without causing any skin color change or scarring. Skin fully recovers within 24 hours.
Laser Hair Removal. Depending on your skin type, hair removal generally takes 10-15 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart. The need for re-treatment of an area varies. Many clients enjoy results for years before seeking additional treatments.
Ultherapy. For those not yet ready for a surgical facelift, an Ultherapy “uplift” may be ideal! It is the only FDA-approved, non-invasive treatment using ultrasound and your body’s own natural healing process to lift and tighten loose skin on the eyebrow, neck, and under the chin. In a single 60-90-minute in-office procedure, natural uplifting of your skin inside produces a noticeable “boost” to your skin outside. Ultherapy also unleashes the natural creation of new more elastic collagen over 2-3 or even 6 months.
For more information please contact: TEL: 646.692.3249 OR 888-855-6790 or email