Author and Professional Muse Giselle Koy Joins Petey Silveira on New Pathway To Healing Radio Show

Author and professional muse Giselle Koy will join Petey Silveira, founder of New Pathway To Healing, on BlogTalkRadio this Wednesday at 3 p.m. EST. She's able to see the unpolished diamond in others and helps ignite their spark of brilliance within.

Spiritual author and professional muse Giselle Koy will join Petey Silveira, founder of New Pathway To Healing, on BlogTalkRadio this Wednesday at 3 p.m. EST. Koy works with CEOs, rock stars and anyone who wants to shine their brightest. She is able to see the unpolished diamond in others and helps ignite their spark of brilliance within. After many metaphysical adventures and living as a spiritual seeker most of her life, Koy is ready to share her wisdom with the recent release of The Modern Muse: How to Create the Ravishing Life You've Always Wanted.

Part memoir and part how-to, The Modern Muse provides unique insight into the power of play, intuition, passion and authenticity in creating a powerful newlife. "I wrote this book for people who want to stop struggling and start playing," Koy said. "I am a devoted advocate for loving yourself and forging a path to remember who you really are. If you practice self-love and enjoy life with intention, it can be transformed and healed. It happened to me."

Written in a playful and straightforward style, The Modern Muse includes exercises and tools to help facilitate personal awakening and empowerment. "Life becomes ravishing when you fall in love with the full human experience and fully engage in life," Koy said. "This book will give the reader the confidence to do just that."

Radio show host Petey Silveira has been a marriage and family therapist in private practice for more than 25 years specializing in past-life regression and is the founder of New Pathway To Healing. She teaches her clients to reframe, redefine and look at their problems with a fresh perspective. Petey provides the counseling and the tools to lead clients away from a path of distress, pain, and despair, and toward peace, contentment and fulfillment of each person's life purpose through personal coaching sessions and group workshops. She is the author of "Musings to Help the Soul Remember," 60 daily inspirations that reveal the path to your happiest lifetime, and shares her professional, personal, and spiritual insight on her blog.

Join Giselle and Petey live Wednesday at 3 p.m. EST by visiting or calling 323-410-0056. Recorded versions are made available following the show. If you any questions for Giselle, please email Petey at, visit, or call into the show live. For more information on Giselle, please visit