Attune World Wide Offers "The Bonus Week of Flat 33% Discount"

Attune World Wide has offered one more week of flat 33% off discount for training aspirants on all its open source trainings as the Bonus Week discount offer.

Attune World Wide is offering an additional Bonus Week of flat 33% discount on all its training programs, before applying the renewed and incremented prices for its training courses. This bonus week is an addition to the on-going “April Fool’s Day Offer”, an opportunity of great contribution in exploring the open source technology expertise.

Attune World Wide has announced that a big price increment will be acknowledged in May Month for all its existing and new training courses. That is why, Attune World Wide is providing an addition Bonus Week of flat 33 % discount before undertaking the price-rise.

Attune World Wide got the amazing response to its great “April Fool’s Day Offer” and was proven of great worth for the career and work of all the training aspirants proving its promise of “Creating Geniuses, Instead of Making Fools”.

This Bonus week discount is till 13th May, 2016, on all the open source technology training courses, including Liferay, Alfresco, Activiti BPM, MuleSoft, JBPM, AWS, Hadoop, PHP etc., on all program.

Attune World Wide, a popular name in the list of IT Infrastructure, services and Training provider companies, holds its virtuoso in the open source Training. The “April Fool’s Day” discount offer was a great initiate to benefit its aspirants followed by the bonus week of discount for an extended opportunity to reach the expertise.

Source: Attune World Wide

About Attune World Wide

Attune World Wide have been involved with Open Source standards and technologies for several years. We have worked of various Open Source products for SOA, BPM, ESB, Portal, CMS, Liferay, Alfresco, Drupal, Grid Computing, Cloud Computing and Semantic

Attune World Wide
911 S. Wa Pella Ave Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056
Chicago, Illinois

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