Apphelp Clients See Unmatched Success in ISB Admissions

Apphelp - India's # 1 MBA admissions consulting service has been assisting applicants with ISB admissions since its inception in 2007.

Apphelp - India's # 1 MBA admissions consulting service has been assisting applicants with ISB admissions since its inception in 2007. Apphelp Team comprises of 40+ ISB alumni who have been helping applicants with crafting the ISB essays and ensuring that the applicants are able to present their candidature well.

Apphelp team has been successful in guiding ISB aspirants with ISB essays because every member of team has gone through the application process himself/ herself. In addition, every reviewer has assisted at least 10 applicants in the past with a success rate of >75% on average. Reviewers understand that ISB admission committee wants to know the applicant's profile in detail, what makes the applicant unique and what does the applicant expect out of the PGP at ISB. Reviewers spend hours brainstorming with the applicants to understand their profile and achievements, figure out the unique aspects which ISB will value and ensure that applicants write coherent and holistic story in ISB essays. Apphelp also ensures that applicants write the essay themselves and never offers essay writing services.

Another reason behind higher success rate is the fact that Apphelp tags reviewer of similar background with the applicant. A huge team of ISB alumni makes this possible. Apphelp Team has ISB alumni who come from technology, financial services, corporate finance, accounting, sales, marketing, operations, energy, supply-chain, automobile etc. background. So, applicants know that someone who understands their domain and can present their candidature well will assist them.

This simple approach coupled with experience of years has resulted in back to back success stories. Since 2009, more than 40 Apphelp clients have been admitted to ISB every year.

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