Anise Smith Marketing Creates Networking Group, QR Codes with Anise Smith Marketing on LinkedIn

Anise Smith Marketing is excited to announce the creation of a networking group about QR codes and their uses in transforming Marketing. The Group will focus on how QR codes can help in a variety of marketing campaigns, the role QR codes will play i

Anise Smith Marketing is a growing New Media Marketing Technology company, which chose to focus on the growing need to use new technologies for expanding traditional Marketing strategies. The company is sharing the expertise-learned at Full Sail University, New Media Marketing strategies and collaborative efforts from Industry experts to expand dialogues and networking opportunities with this new LinkedIn Group.

The goal is to create and avenue for peer to peer discussion about new technologies such as QR code Marketing which is believe to be on the brink of revolutionizing the Internet Marketing Industry. Therefore, Anise Smith Marketing is interested in expanding the knowledge and understanding of these newer technologies through networking in the group QR Codes with Anise Smith Marketing on LinkedIn.


About Anise Smith Marketing

Anise Smith Marketing
311-1/2 E. Godfrey Ave
Philadelphia, PA
