An Updated Brand Identity for the Council for Disability Income Awareness

SOUTH PORTLAND, Maine, July 9, 2024 ( - Today, the Council for Disability Income Awareness (CDIA) is pleased to introduce its new brand identity and name.
“To signal our growing services, mission, and membership, we are excited to introduce our revised organization name and new brand identity,” said Bob Herum, president of the CDIA. “The word 'Income' has been added to our name to clarify our work while retaining our name recognition from the past two decades.”
“Disability income resources for working Americans are changing rapidly. New legislation, regulations, and the economy have created challenges for employees, companies, and insurance providers,” said Herum. “In response to this new landscape, we undertook strategic planning at the start of the year to ensure that the CDIA name and mission are clear and understood.”
“In the coming months, you will see our new name and brand identity in all of our communications and on our CDIA new website launching this fall.”
About the Council for Disability Income Awareness (CDIA)
The Council for Disability Income Awareness is a non-profit organization working to establish disability income as a key financial safeguard for every working American. Learn more at and
Source: Council for Disability Income Awareness