American Soccer Families Are Staying in the Game While at Home and Expect a Return to the Fields This Summer

4 out of 5 Youth Soccer Players Are Training at Home and 4 out of 5 Youth Soccer Parents Expect Play to Resume by August

SOCCER.COM Infographic

SOCCER.COM, the nation’s leading soccer-specialty retailer, today announced the results of a recent nationwide survey to understand parents’ perceptions of how the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is impacting youth soccer participation and engagement. The results indicate that the majority of youth players are staying actively engaged in the sport while at home and that most parents expect their kids’ teams and leagues to resume play by August 2020.

“As young soccer players and their parents adjust to the reality of necessary restrictions, it’s clear that their commitment to and passion for the sport remains strong. Players are finding ways to train at home and connect with their teams virtually,” said Brian Berklich, Chief Marketing Officer at SOCCER.COM. 

81% of youth players are training at home

Though currently unable to play with their teams on the field, youth soccer players are staying active at home. When parents were asked how their kids are staying in the game,

·       81% responded that their kids are training at home

·       63% shared that their kids are connecting with their teammates digitally

·       29% reported that their kids are watching rebroadcasts of classic matches

·       29% stated that their kids are playing soccer video games

Greg Dale, Director of Sports Psychology at Duke University, says that staying connected with teammates is helpful for youth soccer players. “Young players need that connection with each other, and it’s important that they actually see each other virtually and interact.” Added Dale, “If you feel a sense of community with others, you're going to be more motivated.”

80% of parents expect youth soccer to resume by August 2020.

Despite the current uncertainty due to the pandemic, most parents anticipate that play will resume in 2020.  

·       61% believe youth soccer will resume in their area by July 2020

·       80% believe youth soccer will resume in their area by August 2020

·       93% believe youth soccer will resume in their area by September 2020

The outlook for participation once play resumes is positive.

Almost all parents surveyed (94%) expect that it is somewhat to very likely that their children will continue playing soccer once youth soccer organizations and leagues resume play. Only 5% are somewhat to very unlikely to resume.

When play does return, 73% of respondents think it’s somewhat to very important for spectators to follow social distancing on the sidelines. Nearly half (47%) expect spectators to wear masks.

About the poll

The SOCCER.COM survey was conducted via an online questionnaire from April 17 to 22, 2020 with 1,437 U.S. youth soccer parents who have made a youth soccer purchase at SOCCER.COM.


Founded in 1984, SOCCER.COM (part of Sports Endeavors, Inc.) is a family-owned and operated business based in Hillsborough, NC. After beginning as a high-school class project, today the company is the world’s largest soccer-specialty retailer. The SOCCER.COM team connects fellow players, fans, coaches and parents to the beautiful game by offering the gear, expertise and inspiration they need to play better, cheer louder and, most importantly, have more fun. The company is committed to growing the game at a grassroots level and outfits thousands of youth soccer clubs nationwide.

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Martin North,


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