American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians Announced Today That Their Safety Panel Session is Open and Free to the Public

Safety Panel Discussion to be held at 3:00 p.m. on Nov. 2, 2019, moderated by Ms. Janet Marchbrody. Highly anticipated session will discuss the growing safety concerns of the industry.

Dr. Farshchian teaching at AAOSCP workshop

​​The AASCP has recently created guidelines that are current safety recommendations given to physicians who are using biologics in their medical practice. A highly anticipated and sought after Safety Standards Panel session, hosted by AASCP on Nov. 2, 2019, will be moderated by The Alliance for Cell Therapy Now, with President Ms. Janet Marchbrody. The sessions normally are closed to the public but this particular Safety Standard Panel discussion will be open to the public, covering the growing safety concerns of the industry.

Alliance for Cell Therapy Now is a coalition of organizations representing patients, health care providers and the academic and scientific community, who are working together to advance safe and effective regenerative cell therapies. The mission is to advance the development, manufacturing and delivery of safe and effective regenerative cell therapies through policy development, consensus and advocacy. Alliance for Cell Therapy Now is bringing together experts and stakeholders to gain consensus on and advocate for policies that will advance the science and the field, including those focused on promoting clinical research, assuring the adoption of consensus standards to promote safety and quality, building capacity and expertise within the workforce, and establishing a national outcomes database to advance the science, promote improvements in quality and safety, and inform regulatory, payment and patient decision-making.

Alliance for Cell Therapy Now is guided by an Advisory Board comprised of leaders in the scientific, academic and patient communities; Ms. Janet M. Marchibroda President, Alliance for Cell Therapy Now Fellow, Bipartisan Policy Center Senior Vice President, Health Policy, Bockorny Group, has agreed to join the AASCP as a moderator for their Safety Panel at The Hyatt Regency in Miami. This particular coveted safety panel session will be open to the public and broadcast live on YouTube at 3:00 p.m. on Nov. 2, 2019.

According to AASCP, if you are using biologics in your practice, whether you are using SVF, PRP, bone marrow, UCB, amniotic products, exosomes, xenografts, or peptides, there are key considerations to take into account to achieve the best safety for your patients. The AASCP also recommends communication with the Chief Scientific Officer from the laboratory you work with. AASCP advises that just talking to a sales agent is not sufficient enough when determining the quality of products for your patients. Sales agents typically do not have a medical or scientific background.

The spokesman for the AASCP, Dr. AJ Farshchian, said earlier: “The American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians is a group of physicians, scientists and researchers who collectively represent the most authoritative non-federal group advocating for guidelines and education on stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine. AASCP members are experts within all fields of stem cell therapy from: SVF, BM, UCB, Exosomes, Peptides, Xenografts, Allografts and Amniotic Fluids and are considered the most experienced leaders for proper advocacy in the field. The AASCP is involved directly with other authorities within the field and seeks only to bring knowledge and awareness for the ever growing regenerative medicine industry. My hope is that the Safety Panel discussion on Nov. 2, 2019, is to help get rid of the bad actors that are damaging the field for everyone.”

AASCP is hosting their medical conference in Miami on Nov. 1-3 , 2019. Sessions are normally closed to the public and, therefore, require registration. The conference is taking place at the downtown Miami Hyatt Regency, located at 400 SE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33131. Because of limited seating, we encourage everyone to please RSVP at and to register. 

The American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians (AASCP) is an organization created to advance research and the development of therapeutics in regenerative medicine, including diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease related to or occurring within the human body. Secondarily, the AASCP aims to serve as an educational resource for physicians, scientists and the public in diseases that can be caused by physiological dysfunction that are ameliorable to medical treatment.

For further information, please contact Marie Barba at AASCP​ 305-891-4686 and you can also visit us at

Source: The American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians