Alpha Corporate Sales Now Offers Enterprise Sales Training Education in Alaska and Hawaii to Insurance and Real Estate Agents Who Want to Close More Business

Alpha Selling System is Now Offered as an On-demand Online Sales Training Course to Teach Small Business Owners and Real Estate and Insurance Agents in Alaska and Hawaii How to Grow Their Business and Increase Sales by up to 300% Within 3 Months of Starting This Advanced Sales Training Class from Alpha Corporate Sales

Alpha Corporate Sales

Alpha Corporate Sales co-founder and CEO, Dr. Stanley Wilson, has made an announcement that the company began offering enterprise sales training and business development educational class to corporate clients in Alaska, Hawaii, Arizona, Nevada, and Oklahoma.

As seen on CNBC News, Bloomberg News, NBC News, CNN, Fox News, and other media, Alpha Corporate Sales is well-known as the ultimate authority and leader in the field of individual and group enterprise sales training in the U.S. and Canada.

How could you possibly expect your salespeople to close any business if you give them such useless phone scripts that don't even sound human but are designed to keep the [insurance] agents in compliance and to protect the [insurance] company from potential lawsuits?

Dr. Stanley Wilson, CEO and Co-founder, Alpha Corporate Sales

What’s more, Alpha Corporate Sales has updated its time-tested sales training and business development educational course, Alpha Selling System, to offer sales training to small business owners, entrepreneurs, and insurance and real estate agents who need a mentor to show them how to effectively communicate and close new business if they currently struggle with finding and closing clients on their own.

“Have you actually read the phone script they give to insurance agents these days?” asked the co-founder and CEO of Alpha Corporate Sales, Dr. Stanley Wilson.

“It is absolutely impossible to close any business with those ridiculous scripts that the agents are given by their home office corporate bureaucrats!” continued Dr. Wilson at the 26th Executive Sales Convention in New York City last month.

Top business executives who gathered at New York’s well-known enterprise sales training conference earlier this month, have been taking notes when Alpha Corporate Sales co-founder and CEO, Dr. Stanley Wilson, was giving a speech on finding solutions for the new challenges that sales professionals will face in 2018 and beyond.

“How could you possibly expect your salespeople to close any business if you give them such useless phone scripts that don’t even sound human but are designed to keep the agents in compliance and to protect the company from potential lawsuits?” exclaimed Dr. Stanley Wilson at the apex of his speech.

Alpha Corporate Sales was founded in 1997 by a team psychiatrists and business entrepreneurs and thus prides itself on being the only sales training and business development organization in the world that focuses on applying advanced human psychology to real-life sales situations that makes the difference between effortlessly closing complex sales and endlessly chasing after poorly-qualified "ghost" clients that most salespeople keep pursuing due to poor or no training they received, according to CBS News.

“The rules of enterprise sales have changed over the years and we must adopt and adjust our approach accordingly,” said Dr. Stanley Wilson, CEO of Alpha Corporate Sales, which remains the most prominent player in the realm of corporate sales training in the U.S. and Canada for the past two decades.

“We guarantee that after you take our Gold Level sales training course, you should be able to close 9 out of 10 prospects and probably will double or even triple your sales revenue within 3 months of becoming our student,” said the co-founder and CEO of Alpha Corporate Sales, Dr. Stanley Wilson.

Alpha Corporate Sales has decided to widen its target market by making its flagship proprietary enterprise sales training program, Alpha Selling System, available to small business owners in the U.S. and Canada. The company will no longer focus on exclusively pursuing Fortune 500 companies as its primary clientele, according to Forbes Magazine.

“What is our secret to being so effective at closing almost every single sale?” continued Dr. Stanley Wilson at the sales conference.

“By using our proprietary Alpha Selling System, that includes our verified business sales leads, you too can expect to double or triple your sales within 3 months of starting our sales training course!” said the co-founder and CEO of Alpha Corporate Sales, Dr. Stanley Wilson, at the end of his speech at the 26th Executive Sales Convention.

“Every prospect instantly knows when he deals with an inexperienced salesperson and reflexively puts on a mask of appearing as an "interested" potential client or as an "overly-eager" buyer that "happily goes along" with the sales process or presentation for a short time in order to, ultimately, steal the salesperson’s proprietary information or gain valuable product knowledge or pricing and then "suddenly" disappears ... leaving the unprepared salesperson utterly perplexed and pondering if he was "shopped" or tricked by the competitor who was posing as a potential client,” continued Dr. Stanley Wilson with his description of what goes on today in the enterprise sales field.

“Sound familiar? How do you deal with that?” asked Dr. Stanley Wilson.

“Do you want to learn how to be always in control of your sales process and communicate directly to the subconscious mind of your prospect to avoid doing unpaid consulting and be able to close every qualified sale?” asked Dr. Stanley Wilson.

“Then you definitely need our Alpha Selling System to be in control of your sales process and to close 98% of your prospects!” exclaimed the co-founder and CEO of Alpha Corporate Sales, Dr. Stanley Wilson.

“Earlier this year, we have decided to give small business owners the very same sales tools that were previously available only to the top 3% of Fortune 500 companies in the U.S. and Canada,” said Dr. Stanley Wilson while highlighting the rapidly-changing market conditions where information is consumed and interpreted in new, lightening-speed ways.

 “Today, we offer on-demand online video sales training courses to small business owners, entrepreneurs, sales managers, as well as individual sales professionals who want to learn sales from scratch or to brush up on their outdated sales habits.” said Dr. Wilson at the conference.

“Our decision to make Alpha Selling System available to anyone who can afford to spend $2700 was made in order to accommodate the ever-changing ways we take in information, thus dramatically reducing the commute time and costs associated with getting traditional, one-on-one, individual sales training and business coaching that typically costs upwards of $50,000,” concluded Dr. Stanley Wilson.

“We must realize and agree that the way we used to prospect and sell simply doesn’t work anymore, and we need to adopt to the new era of technology-driven corporate sales,“ said Dr. Wilson upon finishing his speech in front of 378 CEOs of major U.S. companies present at the conference that represented real estate, insurance, IT, entertainment, oil and gas, automotive, cosmetics, banking, manufacturing, solar, and pharmaceutical sectors of the U.S. economy.

Alpha Corporate Sales provides enterprise sales training to Fortune 500 companies with its proprietary Alpha Selling System that helps maximize revenue by simplifying closing complex sales. Headquartered in New York City, the company operates globally through 29 satellite offices around the world. Alpha Corporate Sales specializes in training large sales teams in every major industry, according to CNBC News.

Approximately six months ago, Alpha Corporate Sales started offering on-demand online video sales training course to small business owners, entrepreneurs, sales managers, and individual sales professionals at the fraction of the cost of traditional “live” sales training in an effort to make the course more affordable to a much wider clientele who wants to become more efficient at finding and closing new business, according to Fox News.

Alpha Corporate Sales gives salespeople and small business owners engaged in sales the ultimate selling education that has been demonstrated to have a 98% closing ratio in every major industry over the old-era selling methodology with only a 9% closing ratio, according to Bloomberg News.

If your company or sales team struggles with finding new clients, closing complex sales, or keeping clients, you may contact Alpha Corporate Sales by telephone at +1.646.727.9224

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Source: Alpha Corporate Sales

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