Aimeos E-Commerce Package 2016.04 for Laravel

Today, the Aimeos community released version 2016.04 of their Open Source e-commerce components for the Laravel PHP framework.

This is the first stable version of the 2016 series for Laravel after three month of beta phase. Major improvements since the first release are the native support for net prices and the secure product downloads.

To improve scalibility, a new message queue infrastructure has been added to Aimeos. It's used to postpone and offload resource intensive tasks like sending e-mails. There's also an extension available offering adapters to message queue servers using the Advanced Message Queue Protocol like RabbitMQ, Apache ActiveMQ and others as well as the Beanstalk and Stomp protocols. Furthermore, the Aimeos Laravel package uses a low resource Gettext implementation, saving memory in high load environments.

For editors, the simplified administration interface has been improved further. Product attributes and properties as well as promotional products can now be managed as well, so there's no need to switch to the expert more for this any more.

Customers don't need to login during checkout to see their new order in their history afterwards. They are associated to their account based on their e-mail address. Also, shop owners can configure customer groups associated to each new user automatically.

All product information in the front-end are tagged with micro format data based on This leads to machine readable products, especially for search engines like Google. They display more information about the products in the search result page now.

Updating a Laravel installation will be simpler than ever in the future. The configuration file has been minimized and all default values has been moved to a settings file not copied by Laravel. Also, the the CSS and Javascript files are not copied any more but served via HTTP.

The new version and additional information about the Aimeos Laravel package are available at: