ADU Industry Leader CCS Offers a Cost-Effective Way to Expand Space and Capacity in Care and Rehab Facilities Without Buying a New Property

LOS ANGELES, April 5, 2024 ( - CCS Inc. stands out as the industry leader in the realm of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU), particularly in catering to care-giving businesses such as assisted living, senior living, rehab homes, and other similar facilities. Under the guidance of Danny Yamnitski, CCS empowers business owners to maximize their potential by expanding their operations without the need to purchase new properties. Instead, they achieve this through strategic methods like building ADUs, converting garages, splitting lots, leveraging SB9 and SB10 legislation, and employing other innovative techniques.
Yamnitski's approach, which revolutionizes the industry, is rooted in saving business owners approximately 80% of their investment costs. This remarkable achievement is made possible by expanding their businesses on existing lots, thus obtaining the same space and room count by adding more units. According to Yamnitski, a significant portion of any investment in real estate, around 80%, is tied up in the cost of the lot itself. By focusing on developing more units on the same lot, there's no necessity to acquire new properties, leading to substantial savings for facility owners.
The advantages of this approach are manifold. Facility owners save on the hefty expense of purchasing new properties, optimize their existing staff to care for more patients in the same facility, reduce overhead costs related to employee management and travel, and simplify operations overall. CCS offers a comprehensive service package that encompasses handling paperwork, bureaucratic processes, navigating regulations with municipalities, and ensuring approval for plans. This includes providing top-tier services in architectural planning, engineering, surveying, Title 24 compliance, permit expediting, and obtaining approval from relevant authorities.
The construction phase is also meticulously managed by CCS, ensuring that the existing structure remains intact during the expansion process, thereby avoiding disruptions to patient care and income streams. The company sees projects through to completion, obtaining the necessary certificates of occupancy for newly constructed units.
The ultimate outcome of partnering with CCS and utilizing Yamnitski's expertise is a significant increase in income through the addition of more units and the ability to serve more patients, all without the financial burden of purchasing new properties. It's a win-win situation for facility owners who can maintain their existing property, staff, and income while expanding their business operations efficiently and economically.
Source: CCS Inc