Adapt A New Look For 2013

It is the perfect time to make a slight lifestyle or appearance alteration. From losing weight to gaining mass, there is a myriad of different ways in which anyone can change their ideal appearance.

The festive period is over and all of the traditions have been observed. After spending the holidays with family, old and young, joining in with their games and trysts; January brings with it a time for self-improvement and indulgence. It is the perfect time to make a slight change to lifestyle or appearance. From losing weight to gaining mass, there is a myriad of different ways in which anyone can change their ideal appearance. One of the easiest and most effective ways in which to alter an appearance is with a new hair style.

The thick beard is a look that will never go out of fashion. Eternally linked with masculinity and virility; the thick beard sets a precedent for all of those around the bearded and how they opine of them. From Gladiator to Wolverine, the media has long portrayed the bearded man as a symbol of ruggedness. The key to a top quality thick beard is to rein it in before it gets too long and wild. Visit the Barber Shop for a trim and neaten before it gets too heavy and unsightly. A Designer Hairdresser will be able to shape the beard without it losing any of its thickness or appeal.

Another look that is timeless and will never go out of fashion is the skinhead. Achieving the neat, symmetrical skinhead however, is a more difficult task. Letting a girlfriend approach the scalp with a pair of clippers bought from the market will only result in an uneven, patchy appearance. A skilled Hairdresser will be able to help the discerning individual achieve a professional skinhead appearance. Think David Beckham rather than cider-swilling scallywag.

At the opposite end of the scale is the quintessentially English side parting. The hair does not need to be particularly long in order to achieve this appearance. Growing the hair to a couple of inches length should only take a month for the majority of men. A local Barber Shop will then be able to neaten the look and get rid of any spare edges and rough bits. Then it is simply a task of finding hair wax or gum that can be trusted and suits the specific hair types. Using a thin tooth comb, meticulously shape your hair like a country gent of yore. Those with particularly thin hair then this look is probably best avoided. The side combing style of this appearance will only serve to expose the last of body and depth upon a thin haired scalp.

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