Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine

Acupuncture is healing and pain relieving method, majorly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine . Acupuncture is done by using sharp clean needle inserting on body's surface in order to access psychological functioning of the body,it is safe method.

Acupuncture is a healing and pain relieving method, majorly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Acupuncture is done by using sharp clean needle inserting on the body's surface in order to access the psychological functioning of the body, it is a safe method of treatment with rare chances of side effects. This technique of treatment is thousands of years old, purely ancient. But now the western world of medicine is also taking a wide interest in it. It is an effective method of treatment.Yin and Yang is an important theory to discuss in the discussion of acupuncture. Yin and Yang are opposite forces and they work together to create balance, any distress between these two forces can lead to serious problems in an human body and these problems can be cured with acupuncture.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine doctrine it is also believed that there is an energy which is flowing throughout the body (this energy is known as Qi, pronounced as chee) and a person's health is dependent on flow of Qi in the body. When this flow of energy starts deflecting from it real path or the flow is being obstructed by something it starts creating health problems. Acupuncture is the treatment method which helps in straightening the flow of energy, which will treat the disease efficiently.

Also acupuncture is used to heal Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). There's been a long research done on this topic, if there is a treatment of IBS in Chinese medicine and with a result, acupuncture comes first. Acupuncture can treat IBS very effectively without any side effect. IBS is knows as spastic colon or mucus colitis. It is identified as a syndrome because it includes a bunch of syndromes that varies from patient to patient. The real cause of IBS is still unknown. Internally the problem IBS causes is motility disorder of the small and large intestine.According to Chinese medicine practitioners, the main cause of IBS is discord among liver and the spleen. The treatment of acupuncture with traditional Chinese medicine uses a variety of modes to correct a liver/spleen disharmony. Also it can be cured with Chinese herbs, improvement of diet and change in one's lifestyle.

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