Acme Sign Company Raises the Bar for Customer Service - Offers 2 Year Warranty on Signage Services

Acme Signs is the only signage manufacturer in Kansas City to offer a two-year warranty for their parts, services and installation.

The standard within the sign industry is normally a one year limited warranty. The Acme Sign Company sets a higher standard by offering a two-year warranty for all parts, services and installation. This promise is included along with price quotes to help potential customers make an informed choice.

"Acme has almost 100 years of experience in manufacturing, installing and servicing sign systems. We've spent these years perfecting the process thereby offering unparalleled service and support. Experience has helped us to create signs that are low maintenance- not just for the first two years, but during the entire lifetime of the sign," says a spokesperson for the Kansas City sign company. Offering a two year warranty demonstrates the company's confidence in its parts and services.

"We've created eye popping signs and sculptures that have managed to catch customer attention. Some of the clients we have served in the past and continue to do serve include Bank of America, Hallmark Cards, Hotel Marriott, the North Kansas City Hospital, the Pleasant Hill School District, etc." he adds.

Acme offers a wide range of signage services including sign and logo designing, manufacturing, installation, leasing, hand lettering and mural designing, researching on zoning and municipal requirements, etc. They run the whole gamut of sign types from 3D and wayfinding to customized freestanding structures.

About Acme Sign Company:

Acme Sign Company is a full service sign company that offers a complete range of services including designing and researching (on building codes and zoning regulations), manufacturing, installing and even financing. They also offer regular maintenance for the installed signs. All of their work is done in their 70,000 square foot state of the art full service facility in Kansas City. The company also owns a dedicated, radio-dispatched fleet of ten crane/service trucks used to install all their signs (indoor and outdoor signs in Kansas City) within a 150 mile radius of the city.

For more information on their warranty and quality assurance,
