Academician I.E. Aznauryan's Unique Methodology "Strabo", was Presented at the Conference in Japan (Kyoto)

Russian ophthalmologists under the guidance of Academician Igor Aznauryan developed "Strabo", a program of mathematical modeling of strabismus.

Russian ophthalmologists under the guidance of Academician Igor Aznauryan developed “Strabo”, a program of mathematical modeling of strabismus; it was first presented at the International Strabismological Association conference in Japan at the end of 2014. The technology makes it possible to cure strabismus and completely restore the visual system of the patient in 98% of cases, whereas in the conventional practice reoperations are required in at least 20% of cases, and children often need 2 to 5 operations.

To date, worldwide statistics on the incidence of strabismus are disturbing, for example, the total number of children aged under 14 who suffer from strabismus is 182,9 million, including 7.58 million in Europe and 4,97 m in the CIS countries. For instance, in the USA, a country with a 300-million population, there are 8.8 million patients, and approximately 800,000 operations are performed annually.

"We distinguish between more than 25 types of strabismus, which must be identified accurately, and the subsequent treatment in each case is strictly individual. It is necessary to correct strabismus, especially in childhood, since misalignment of the eyes leads to severe functional disorders of the entire visual system."

Igor Aznauryan, the head of the Yasniy Vzor specialized system of pediatric ophthalmology clinic

"We distinguish between more than 25 types of strabismus, which must be identified accurately, and the subsequent treatment in each case is strictly individual. It is necessary to correct strabismus, especially in childhood, since misalignment of the eyes leads to severe functional disorders of the entire visual system,” Igor Aznauryan, the head of the Yasniy Vzor (Clear gaze) specialized system of pediatric ophthalmology clinic, commented.

The new proprietary methodology based on “Strabo,” the program for mathematical modeling of strabismus, will make the treatment of the disease much more effective. To date, this is the only program that calculates the required dose and parameters of the operation, which allows to take into account all the individual characteristics of the structure of the eyeball and the muscles that determine the value of the required turn of the eyeball and ensure stable proper alignment of the eye. The issues related to modeling (dosing) of the surgery on the oculomotor muscles in cases of strabismus are of great importance, since improperly conducted operations lead to incomplete correction of the angle of strabismus or a hyper effect (secondary strabismus in reverse direction).