ABISA Expands With Clients in Turkey

ABISA, LLC, a leading independent healthcare consultancy, announced that the company has now engaged clients in Turkey and is working with them to help advance a healthcare business initiative.

In addition to its longstanding U.S. client base, ABISA also has worked with clients in the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Puerto Rico, and Australia.  “We are excited with the company’s continued international expansion,” says Nick Hernandez, CEO at ABISA.  "ABISA’s niche within the healthcare industry positions us well for the strategic needs of our clients.”

Investors and healthcare providers are seeking support for a variety of business initiatives to expand markets.  These may include strategies such as medical tourism, telehealth, and global oncology initiatives.  ABISA is an ideal partner to provide that consulting support.  The company’s success can be attributed to its culture that focuses on professionalism and emphasizes long-term client relationships.  “We are very pleased to have been selected to work with these projects,” Hernandez said. “The global healthcare sector is ever-changing.  Selecting the right partner to support critical initiatives is so important. Our integrity and focused expertise allows our clients to be confident that ABISA will provide the sound advice that they expect.”


ABISA is a global healthcare consultancy specializing on healthcare strategy and physician engagement, strategic telehealth initiatives, and global oncology initiatives.  ABISA can help devise and implement the strategies and processes that will allow organizations to remain competitive and solvent.  For more information, visit www.abisallc.com or contact us at info@abisallc.com

Source: ABISA