A Polish Bankrupt With A New Business Project Collects Funds Using Crowdfunding

Take Away Coffee is a Polish project of mini franchise coffee-houses chain, focused on take-away sales only.

The first Take Away coffee house was created in 2012 in Wrocl-aw and it is the smallest local in Poland. Take Away Coffee is the smallest Polish coffee-house but it has the global ambitions. Our area has 6 square metres filled to the rim with passion, ambition and the will to conquer the world.

Our project is intended to allow us to make the next step through raising necessary financial resources for, among others, marketing actions that would promote our franchise offer in Poland and around the world.

We have the most innovative concept of a franchise coffee-house in Poland, but before we offered the possibility to lead a coffee-house under our brand, we had been working 1,5 years, 7 days a week for minimum 12 hour to learn about this business.

It was established by Karolina Rudawska and Michal- Heller who, in 2011, being only 23 years old, had bankrupted with his company because of a non-payment of the funds by the bank PKO BP, despite signed credit agreement and paid provision, which effectually had prevented him from realising his project, on which he had received 492.00 PLN from the European Union

The staff of Take Away Coffee raises the funds using the Internet portal Indiegogo.com and this money is to be allocated for the marketing actions of Take Away Coffee and for the participation in the biggest franchising trade fairs. To encourage people to support, wonderful awards were prepared, for example: the used Fiat 126 p or the license of franchisee of Take Away Coffee.

Link to indiegogo : http://igg.me/at/1ig4Y2Z/x/6958657

Link to the website : http://bit.ly/1ig4Y2Z

About SaleCity Sp. z o.o.

SaleCity Sp. z o.o.
Plac Solny 15
