A New Way to Buy and Sell Used Gear While Giving Back to the Earth

MALIBU, Calif., August 26, 2021 (Newswire.com) - Today is the announcement and celebration for the launch of Sea N' Soul - the leading social marketplace for the re-sale of outdoor gear and apparel. Their mission is to empower adventurers, and aspiring adventurers, to get out into nature and put the environment first in every choice they make. At its core, Sea N' Soul is a gear and apparel re-sale app and a way to extend the life cycle of outdoor gear, help its users make some extra cash, and give back to Mother Earth. They are paving the way for the ethical re-use of outdoor gear and facilitating a way for everyone to get involved in their dream sport. Outdoor sports are often pricey hobbies to get involved in, and by creating a place to purchase gently used gear at discounted prices Sea N' Soul is opening the door for everyone to be able to explore their adventurous side.
About Sea N' Soul - Sea N' Soul was founded by John Kozlowski, an avid surfer and environmentalist. Sea N' Soul is an app that facilitates the consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer resale of used outdoor gear and apparel - like surfboards, mountain bikes, snowboards, etc. - while simultaneously creating a community of environmentally conscious adventurers. For every sale that is made within the app, Sea N' Soul donates a percentage of proceeds to earth-repairing nonprofit funds like the Surfrider Foundation and The Outdoor Alliance.
Their goal is to inspire the world to use what has already been produced, reduce the demand for new products that are not needed, and promote conscious outdoor recreation while helping to save Mother Earth.
Watch their welcome video here. Sea N' Soul is available for download now on the App Store and Google Play Store.
For more information, please email john@seansoul.com.
Source: Sea N' Soul