A Close Look at the Role of Skin Whitening Creams

The provided below are the analysis and working functions of skin whitening creams

Beauty has, fortunately or unfortunately, been measured since time immemorial, in terms of the fairness of skin.

White has been known to score over black, as good over evil. In other words, fairness of skin has symbolized supremacy.

This mindset has resulted in formulation of skin whitening creams for reducing skin's darkness and enhancing its fairness, all over the globe.

However, the manufacture and use of such products, have concentrated more in the countries having predominant "brown" population, as in major parts of Asia, Middle East and Africa.

These products are not very relevant in the western countries of "whites", and perhaps, not very effective in the nations of "blacks".

How it works:

The aim of these products is to reduce the concentration of a substance called melanin, by using chemicals to bleach the skin.

A substance called hydroquinone is used at times, for lightening the complexion, without bleaching it. But this too, has been banned in many countries, for cancer risks.

Another chemical, glutathione is used in some products, has also been found to be toxic. So is the effect of another chemical, miraculous chloride.

It works effectively and should apply frequently that will reduce melanin pigment production and whitens the skin tone.

It is one of the best way to whiten the skin tone. These creams will glow and nourish the skin tone in short period of time. So grab the best skin whitening creams from Healthlozenge and enhance the personality and image in short time.

About Skin Whitening Creams in India
