3 Unexpected Benefits of Financial Planning

Financial planning isn't just for the ultra-wealthy. Everyone needs some kind of plan in place to ensure a stable financial future. When you think about financial planning, you might be thinking of setting goals and outlining a plan to achieve them. And certainly, you'll save more money simply by having a plan. But there are also unexpected benefits of financial planning that you may not have considered.

What is Financial Planning?

Financial planning is the process of setting the roadmap for your financial life. And it's much more than just setting savings goals. It's an opportunity to talk through the vision you hold for your future, and then use that to guide your investments, savings, and income targets for the short and long term.

Financial planning has many apparent benefits, like developing a clear vision for your money and hopefully generating a higher savings rate in the process. But here are 3 perks of financial planning that aren't as obvious.

Increased Confidence

Have you ever had that feeling of absolutely dreading the last few days of the month because you're not sure what you'll eat and what bills may go unpaid?

When you develop a financial plan, you can feel confident that your money is working for you. Each month, you'll have a plan in place that ensures you'll be able to afford expenses through the last day and have a bit of cushion just in case!

You're using the plan to get yourself to a place where those types of worries fall by the wayside. Once you begin to follow your plan, you'll feel more confident that the purchases and investments you make are working toward your greater goals.


When you start to lay out your plans, you become accountable to them. You'll also be accountable to your partner or family with whom you create a plan, as well as your financial planner if you're working with one. Once you know what you need to do to hit your financial goals, you'll begin to make choices that align with your plan.

Through regular check-ins, you'll use your plan to guide your vision and tweak it as needed. But most importantly, it will serve as your guidepost for decision-making, keeping you accountable for smart financial choices as you go.

Changing the Path for Future Generations

Most of what we learn about money comes from seeing how our parents and elders approach it. So when you take control of your finances, you're directly and indirectly impacting future generations. Whether it's your own children or those of siblings or friends, your interactions with money and how you talk about it will impact little eyes and ears that may be unknowingly paying attention.

A financial plan can help you develop a healthier relationship with money and teach you to view it as a tool instead of something to fret over. When you can leverage a financial plan for peace of mind, it's the ultimate tool that may change the path of your family's financial future forever. And that's an unexpected benefit of financial planning that keeps on giving, generation after generation.

Notice: Information provided in this article is for information purposes only. Consult your financial advisor about your financial circumstances.

Source: iQuanti, Inc.