New Science in Skin Care Available to Consumers

The main cause of both wrinkles and facial sagging is the gradual loss of elastin in aged or photo-damaged skin. The products, marketed under the name , Prolastil E-50 work by increasing the amount of elastin in the skin.

Prolastil Skin Cream and Eye Serum Scientific Update

The products, marketed under the name , Prolastil E-50 work by increasing the amount of elastin in the skin. The main cause of both wrinkles and facial sagging is the gradual loss of elastin in aged or photo-damaged skin. Elastin loss was previously thought to be irreversible. It has been shown by scientists at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia to enter into the outer skin layers and then become crosslinked with collagen and other proteins to expand the extra cellular matrix.

These new products are based on the patents and technology originally developed by Dr Ensley, in connection with attempts by DARPA, the secretive Defense Department agency, to synthesize human skin to allow for scarless healing of war wounds.

Dr. Ensley says: "Many attempts have been made to utilize elastin as a component of cosmetic products.Through an exclusive process, Prolastil produces an exact replica of Human Elastin.

The experts in the field insisted that the Tropoelastin molecule was simply too large to work in topical cosmetic applications. The Thomas Jefferson University researchers were shocked when the results of their study showed significant uptake of our elastin into the outer skin layers."

We now have formidable evidence that small amounts of Tropoelastin applied daily can stop the loss of elastin through the normal aging process.

Dr. Ensley says that Prolastil containing his exclusive ingredients will be a safe alternative to Botox* injections. They also can be used with Botox* to allow formation of new wrinkle- free skin in the area deadened by the injections. More importantly, the products will replenish sufficient elastin to significantly slow or prevent the process of facial sagging. Used properly they will reduce the need for cosmetic surgery to tighten the skin and extend the life of previous surgery. Prolastil is widely used with other cosmetic products and procedures.

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The company is actively recruiting reps for distribution nation-wide to introduce their products.

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Dr. Ensley, formerly director of research at Amgen, is currently on the faculties of the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University. He served an unprecedented six year term on the National Science Foundation's BIO-AC. He holds over 16 patents in molecular biology including many covering cosmetic applications of Tropoelastin.

About WS Nutraceutical, Inc

WS Nutraceutical, Inc
331 Newman Springs Road
Building 1, 4th floor, Suite 143,
