New Book Targets Hunting Issues

Hunting Arguments: Biblical Responses to a Loaded Issue by Dr. Tom C. Rakow deals with arguments used by those on both sides of this hot issue.

Whether you are a hunter, animal rights activist, or one of the many millions currently caught in the hunting controversy crossfire-an insightful new book written by a former poacher is bound to capture your attention. In HUNTING ARGUMENTS: Biblical Responses to a Loaded Issue, Dr. Tom C. Rakow takes direct aim at some popular (but faulty) arguments wielded by hunters and animal rights activists alike.
This unique work introduces readers to ten major arguments which are frequently invoked by their users to either condemn or defend hunting. Hunting Arguments includes such emotional appeals and false premises as: "Thou Shalt Not Kill!", "I Eat Everything I Kill", "I Could Never Kill an Animal", "Hunting Is My Right as an American!", and "Jesus Was a Vegetarian".
Each chapter also contains suggested questions which are bound to result in some lively group discussions. Readers not only learn of God's constant concern for animals and birds, but also what the Bible truly has to say with regard to hunting. Toward the end of the book there is a creative, Bible-centered essay titled, "Would Jesus Shoot Bambi?"

Michael P.V. Barrett, PhD who is an author and President of Geneva Reformed Seminary states, "As a seminary President, professor of Old Testament language and theology, minister of the gospel, and hunter, I have read Hunting Arguments with great interest. Dr. Rakow's arguments, analysis, and application of Scripture are dead-on target."

Author and Musician Steve Chapman notes, "While Hunting Arguments is an important read for hunters of all ages, I especially recommend Dr. Rakow's book to young hunters who live in a world where the opposition to hunting is not only increasing, it is aggressively growing."

"As Tom has so skillfully shown, it makes a big difference in the way you look at hunting, fishing, creation, and even the way you watch Bambi. He is right on target!" - Dr. Kent Hunter (also known as the Church Doctor) is an author, broadcaster, and international church growth expert.

HUNTING ARGUMENTS: Biblical Responses to a Loaded Issue by Dr. Tom C. Rakow may be ordered at any bookstore, from the publisher online at, or by calling toll-free at 1-888-HIS-DOVE. The price is $14.95 (plus shipping). ISBN 978-1-891147-12-8.

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Silver Lake, MN
