How Long Does It Take A U.S. Federal Court To Know That There Is Something Wrong?

How long does it take a U.S. Federal Court to know that there is something wrong? At least as long as they know a complicit media outlet protects them.

When a Long Island Court House is being used to protect a company like the Long Island Power Authority ("LIPA") rather than the ratepayers that built it, isn't time to shut it down too? The lawsuit to force ELECTED TRUSTEES into LIPA is currently deadlocked by a pattern of crime suborned by judicial federalist tyranny.

Fortunately, we live in America, where no branch of government can lie beyond the reach of reform. Courts and the judicial branch are not sacrosanct. Former President Thomas Jefferson had the solution to impartial courts and how to free republics, as he was the repealer of new judgeships when in office. He went ahead and closed the Court. Is this what Long Island needs to do to the Islip Court House (a.k.a. EDNY/Al D'Amato's headstone) by way of US President Obama? Pray for this reform too.

LIPA has been fraught with crime since its inception. Huge amounts of pension funds and Shoreham reclamation monies are missing. Rebates are lost or misappropriated, un-refunded overcharges abound, hundreds of millions in fuel is missing, radioactive and other polluted oil is being burned, and illegal contracts with foreign companies (UK based National Grid) are renewed. Rates are the highest and service is the lowest as told by national rating agencies. What are we to do with this government imposed "shakedown" of Long Island and parts of New York City? The NY Governor Cuomo's answer is to add taxes upon excessive rates. County Executives Bellone and Mangano choose to stick their heads in the sand. Judge Joanna Seybert, who presided over under-prosecuted RICO hearings of the past, will not relinquish her conflicted role. This is the worst kind of federalist political deadlock --- the kind that crushes ratepayers while it enriches sociopaths and economic pillagers.

Where is the press on this except complicit? Newsday and News-12 cannot escape their enabling of crime with the pole sharing entity. They do not want wires buried to prevent storm disaster because the poles they share and rely upon will go away. This is the worst case of JOURNALISTIC FRAUD in NY history. The lines between the media, government, and criminal enterprise are not so blurred as they now operate in unison! The founding fathers would be quick to remove first amendment protections from a criminally complicit media outlet that hides a true emergency as fast as they would prosecute a media outlet that knowingly announced a false emergency.