Did The NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Blow A Fuse?

The light at the end of the tunnel has not been turned off yet. The suit to force the election of LIPA Trustees filed in Federal Court.

The light at the end of the tunnel has not been turned off yet. The suit to force the election of LIPA Trustees filed in Federal Court. Three maverick Democrats allege the removal of voter's rights violated numerous state and federal laws.

The effort is taking its toll on both the Governor and what is left of the shrinking LIPA Board. This week, Howard Steinberg, the so called LIPA "chairman", who pretends that role despite his expired term, used part of his board meeting opening remarks to defend the legitimacy of the LIPA board which is now down to 6 legitimate members (legally required 15).

Mr. Steinberg quipped about the status of the suit to force LIPA trustee elections; presumably he meant the New York State Court of Appeals dismissing the action with a controversial and short one-line decision.

When one of the candidates for LIPA trustees went to seek the Governor's consent to elected trustees, that candidate was asked by the Governor's aid to leave the meeting being held at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 25 hall. Ironically, the plans to prevent outsourcing and to break up LIPA into more efficient municipal power authorities (like Greenport, Freeport, and Rockville Centre) would create a lot of Long Island jobs. "By taking this unreasonable position, taxes go up, union members suffer, the people of Long Island suffer, and the Governor might even lose his re-election bid," said one source, "the people want elected trustees and the Governor only has to consent. Yet, LIPA is out of control and that is becoming an increasing sore spot for the Governor".

The recent proposals to increase LIPA rates, already the highest in the entire continental United States, are in excess of the Governor's own sponsored tax caps. This increase will have a hard impact on school and government budgets --- continued secret governance of LIPA continues to harm ratepayers and taxpayers.

Three maverick Democrats are now taking the people's right to elect LIPA Trustees to the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York in Central Islip. The brief contains allegations of many LIP illegalities. Included is evidence that LIPA has been burning radioactive fuel, which has given fuel handlers cancer, and the burning is claimed dot have contributed to one of Long Island's largest "cancer clusters". The people deserve better and to be protected!