Blue Sky International & Liberty Sports' Initiative for Haiti's Children

Two US Synthetic turf companies come together to aid children in Haiti

Blue Sky International and Liberty Sports LLC announced today a joint initiative to donate multiple synthetic turf soccer fields, as well as provide hundreds of soccer balls and other sports related equipment to L'Athletiqued'Haïti, an after-school sports programs that serves as a positive outlet forover 1500 children from ages 6 to 17 in Cite Soleil and Bel Air, the poorest slums of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. One ofL'Athletique's soccer fields is now home to 525 displaced Haitian families who are encamped in makeshift tents.

Hank Julicher, President and CEO of Blue Sky International, said, "After seeing a documentary on TV regarding the plight of the people in Haiti with my three young children, my twin nine- year-old, Chase and Kiki, both avid soccer players themselves, commented on how sad it was that the children of Haiti had no place to play".

"Then they asked," "Daddy, you make sports fields. Can you help?" "It made me think that maybe my company could do something meaningful to make a difference where our relief efforts would be sure to benefit the children rather than going to the wrong people.I then called an old friend, Bruce Cheskin, and asked him what he thoughtabout my kids' idea. He loved it and wanted to be involved. So, we decided to move forward as fast as possible. We hope that by providing these synthetic turf fields, hundreds of soccer balls and other sports related equipment, we can do a small part to help by taking the kids' minds off of their every day strife."

Jose Jimenez-Tirado, Blue Sky International's General Manager for the Caribbean and Latin America, has been in Haiti for the past several weeks working hard to set up this effort, organizing the logistics of transporting the materials into Port au Prince and helping the people in every other way possible.

"The projects will provide much needed safe play areas for the children of Haiti," commented Bruce Cheskin, President of Liberty Sports LLC. "After being involved in the process of putting this initiative together, we encourage other large companies to follow our lead by helping out in this fashion. There is a substantial amount of food and medical relief on the ground, but nothing for the kids to occupy them during this terrible disaster."

"We certainly appreciate this much needed help, especially at a time like this," expressed Robert Duval, founder and director of L'Athletiqued'Haiti. "The healing benefit for our kids is undeniable and also opens many new fields of play for Haiti's soccer programs. We are pleased to make new friends from the United States & Puerto Rico that have shown so much solidarity and generosity. This demonstration of support for our children will forge a strong relationship for new initiatives in the near future."

About Blue Sky International

Blue Sky International was founded by Hank Julicher. The company manufactures, supplies and installs synthetic turf for the industry worldwide. Mr. Julicher has over 42 years of global experience in the synthetic turf and sports construction field and has invented and patented several cutting edge products.

Blue Sky has a worldwide network of distributors that sell and install a wide range of synthetic turf products for sports, landscaping and playground areas.

People interested in following the many stages of this relief project can observe updates on our website. Other companies in the sports& shipping industry interested in aiding with Blue Sky International's and Liberty Sports LLC's efforts are encourage to contact or

About Liberty Sports, LLC

Founded by Bruce Cheskin and Webb Cook, Liberty Sports' focus is to provide superior systems and quality to its customers combined with exceptional service and support during and after the installation process.

Bruce Cheskin, President of Liberty, has been in the sports surfacing industry for 23 years. Bruce has been responsible for many innovations in synthetic turf systems over the past ten years. This includes the development of the dual fiber turf systems that are popular today. Bruce has been responsible for the sale and installation of several hundred track and field projects throughout the U.S.

Webb Cook, Executive Vice President and Director of Sales, has been in the sports field industry for 15 years. He has helped in developing a number of infilled synthetic turf systems and also developed an extensive nationwide marketing campaign when employed by another turf manufacturer.

About Blue Sky International

Blue Sky International
534 Brighton Way
Phoenixville, PA
