2009 WORLD 'Appreciative Inquiry' (AI) conference in Nepal Nov 16-19th 2009

Strenghts based community development. Combine a visit to the wonderful land of Nepal with the best of what AI is. Visit www.2009worldaiconference.org

- 7 top keynotes: David Cooperrider, Martin Seligman, Bliss Browne, Jane Watkins, Jim Hartzfield, Justice Sachs, Marcia Odell and Manish Thapa. Heroes, with worldwide recognition.
- 50 interactive workshops from 5 continents, covering all relevant areas in community building from a strenghts perspective (health, business, education, government, peace, arts, environment...)
- Exciting field trips to visit AI practices live in the area of Kathmandu.
- Unique opportunity to contribute to real AI practices like the AI University, and the peace making and constitution process in Nepal.
- Travel/tourism/trekking options available - see our website
- lodging available in all price categories
- conference in 5 star Soaltee Crown Plaza hotel, Kathmandu
- parallel to the live conference, there is also an ON LINE CONFERENCE. See our website for more information and registration.
- Do not hesitate to contact us for any information at: info@2009worldaiconference.org

Please feel free to forward this message to anyone that may be interested.
Thank you for considering this offer. Hopefully, we will meet in Kathmandu, november 16th.

the Int'l conference planning team

About BelienCC
