QArea Group Has Became A Member Of The Drupal Association

QArea Group company has become a member of the Drupal Association, a non profit corporation that support many websites.

QArea Group company has become a member of the Drupal Association after the representatives of the QArea Group have attended DrupalCon London Conference on 22-26 August, 2011. The Drupal Association announced the formation of a non-profit corporation in order to support and further improvement of the industry-leading Open Source CMS. Hundreds of thousands of web sites are powered by the Drupal project, such as political sites for and Hillary Clinton, social networking community sites such as Sony Musicbox and MTV UK, sites for government agencies such as NATO, NASA, citizen journalism sites as for example NowPublic and the World Bank - is developed by great number of contributors from all over the world.

The Drupal project may be utilized for both building a web application framework that is created for making custom web apps and community feature-enabled websites with both forums and blogs. Its main point is small and functional with a robust API, and integration of features from calendars to Google Maps may be easily added in with contributed modules.

It is safe to say that the Drupal project represents an amazing success story that started 6 years ago by founder Dries Buytaert, who was a student in Antwerp. It began as a hobby project and then has exploded into a lively international online development community. The Drupal project represents one of the most widely-used and vibrant open source content management systems and has grasped mind and market share on a universal scale. A host of companies all over the world offer Drupal services solely and contribute to the subsequent project development. Such search giant as Google has supported Drupal with over $100 000 through 25 student stipends for the past 2 years as part of their Summer of Code project.

To urge the Drupal project to the future, there has been formed a new internationally-oriented association with a simple Belgian non-profit at its base - the Drupal Association.
The Drupal Association formed to provide the financial and logistical foundation necessary to support the exponential growth of Drupal project and to supply the Drupal project with new possibilities concerning marketing, infrastructure and funding.

Recently the Drupal software project related its 6-year birthday with the Drupal 5 release, the latest version of the Drupal software. The new version Druapl 5 has been admitted with enthusiasm and depictured a core technological step forward for the software.

The Drupal community arranges 2 Drupal conferences each year, every time in different places. QArea Group company has visited the last one DrupalCon London 2011 Conference that delivered great use for our developers.

About Qarea Group

Qarea Group
8950 W.OLYMPIC BLVD, #537, Beverly Hills, CA
Beverly Hills, CA
