The Nursery in Dubai Talks About Raising an Active Child

Children in the Nursery in Dubai are given the opportunity to follow an active curriculum that encompasses plenty of outdoor and indoor activities.

Children at the Nursery in Dubai have a lot of energy, which they use in a more controlled manner than when they were toddlers. Instead of running around out of control, a child at the nursery school will have physical skills and coordination to ride a small bicycle or chase a dragonfly, in a controlled manner.

"Children are also discovering what it means to play with friends instead of just sitting next to another child. By being around other kids at the preschool in Dubai, a child gains important social skills, such as sharing, good manners and taking turns. Despite occasional conflicts, children learn to cooperate and interact during play" explains an educator at Idea Education in Dubai.

Nursery children will develop important motor skills as they grow. Some of these new skills will include painting, jumping forward, catching a ball, doing a somersault, sing songs, skipping, balancing on one foot and hopping.

According to the educator at Idea Education "Children who are following Nursery Education in Dubai are likely to get structured play at the nursery school or childcare through games like Ring-Around-A-Roses and London Bridge. While this can also be achieved with outdoor play at home, as well."

Most parents of active children are keen to enroll their preschool child in a team sport as an extracurricular activity. However, organized and team sports are not recommended until the children are a little older as they can't understand complex rules and often lack the attention span, skills, and coordination needed to play sports.

Unstructured or free play is also very important. During these times, the child should be able to choose from a variety of physical activities, such as exploring, playing outside, or dancing around the kitchen.

The educators at the nursery, explains that  " Despite the type of physical activities children engage in, it's important to make sure the children are safe and safety regulations are followed. Children at Nursery school are still developing coordination, balance, and judgment. So as children explore the various types of play, a parent's challenge is to find a balance between letting them try new things and keeping them safe and preventing injuries."

It is important to provide children with  opportunities to play, learn and develop within a safe environment in both organized and unstructured ways to build a foundation for a good lifestyle that will last throughout the years.