Secured2 and LiquidCool Solutions Partner to Develop Unhackable, Disaster-Proof Data Security Solution

Secured2's proprietary data security software in tandem with LiquidCool Solutions' Rugged Terrain (RT) liquid-cooled, high performance, ruggedized computing system results in an unhackable, disaster-proof data security solution.

In today’s world of vulnerabilities, leaks and data thefts, Secured2 Corporation and LiquidCool Solutions have partnered to develop an end-to-end unhackable, disaster-proof data security solution.  By marrying Secured2’s proprietary data security software and its “shrink > shred > secure” methodology with LiquidCool Solutions’ Rugged Terrain (RT) liquid-cooled, high performance, ruggedized computing system, businesses can be protected from any form of catastrophe whether environmental or well-entrenched hacker groups.

Secured2 is a data security company whose patented process and technology reduces data by more than 90% while simultaneously converting it into a secure format. It then randomly shreds the data into multiple locations, such as multiple clouds, hybrid or local storage environments.  Its security solution has been tested, vetted, and refined in lab and real world environments, and is currently in operational assessment by healthcare, financial services and contract manufacturing companies.

LiquidCool Solutions (LCS) is a technology development firm with patents surrounding cooling electronics by total immersion in a dielectric fluid. Built for harsh environments, the LCS-RT features a rugged all-metal enclosure with waterproof I/O connectors. The electronics are protected from humidity, dust, oxidation, and corrosive gasses, and its fan-free design means the system is highly reliable and energy efficient. 

“Despite all the headline stories about security leaks, hacks and distributed denial-of-service attacks, it’s staggering how many businesses are still unprepared or not properly protected from security threats,” said Daren Klum, CEO, Secured2. “With this combination of Secured2’s data security software and LiquidCool’s ruggedized hardware, we are meeting the challenging demand for a world-class solution that address threats across each aspect of our customers’ businesses and building a security posture that withstands unforeseen, high impact events.”

According to Gartner, existing security solutions are being pushed to their limits. The industry analyst firm states that by 2016, 20% of all organizations will abandon traditional backup/recovery for the majority of their data, and suggests that security and risk leaders embrace new approaches to digital business to mitigate enterprise risk. 

Secured2 and LiquidCool Solutions are meeting the changing demands of a market constantly innovating. The combination technology provides protection from fires, floods, EMP or even data breaches, thereby giving customers a level of resiliency not available in the market before now.

About Secured2 Corporation

Secured2 Corporation is a data security software company based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Secured2 is the pioneer of new data security technology utilizing a ‘shrink > shred > secure’ methodology combined with new compression technology that reduces the size of data by up to 90%. The core product “Data Shredder” shrinks, shreds, secures and converts data into a random format. It then encrypts each shred using NIST certified encryption and randomly distributes the encrypted shreds across any multi-location storage a customer chooses (multiple clouds, hybrid locations or local storage destinations). Secured2’s simple solution: imagine a thief gets into your business and opens your safe. What they will find with Secured2 is shredded information. Your data is safe. Period. Secured2 continues to redefine the data security landscape and is in the process of rolling out several new products based on our core methodologies of data conversion, data shredding, randomized delivery of shreds into diverse storage and instant data restoration after multi-factor authentication. With over 17 patents Secured2 will continue driving innovation for its customers that require 100% security of their most critical and important data assets.

About LiquidCool Solutions

LiquidCool Solutions is a technology development firm with patents surrounding cooling electronics by total immersion in a dielectric fluid. LCS technology makes liquid cooling practical, and can be used to cool electronics of any shape and size.  LCS licenses its IP to OEMs looking for a cooling solution that reduces cost, saves energy, saves space, conserves water, enhances reliability, operates silently, can be surprisingly easy to maintain in the field, and has the capacity of dissipating 100 kilowatts per rack.