New Webcast Reality Show to Make History?

Tantric Adventure Productions, LLC, a Nevada video production company, is developing a groundbreaking, web based, reality show called The Tantric Adventure. Filming of the show will take place in Los Angeles, and is scheduled to begin airing In September. Although the role of the Tantric Guru is cast, auditions for the other roles will start in June.

Tantric Adventure Productions, LLC, a Nevada video production company, is developing a groundbreaking, web based, reality show called The Tantric Adventure.  The owner, John Hill, claims that this show will make history and attract millions of viewers from around the world.  He is using a unique website business model, viewer participation, and a carefully orchestrated guerilla marketing campaign to ensure the show goes viral.

John says the heart of the story is one man’s quest for the holy grail of life - the complete fulfillment of all his dreams.  The cast includes a Tantric Guru, a Tantric Initiate, and two star students who participate in a Tantric Community Experiment.  Can the tantric technology the guru teaches create breakthroughs in the lives of the participants during the course of the ten week experiment?  Filming of the show will take place in Los Angeles, and is scheduled to begin airing In September.

The role of the Tantric Guru has been cast, but the other roles will be cast when the company temporarily relocates to Southern California.  One important role is that of a comedic interviewer who has recurring interviews with the guru and other cast members.  Auditions for this role will take place in June.  The other cast members will be selected through a widely publicized contest in July and August.  

According to John, this show will explore life’s big issues such as love, relationship, power, money, sex and community through a series of structured exercises such as games, much like many reality shows.  However, like all great stories, at its heart it is about the mythic hero’s journey of transformation, where the participants become empowered to be the heroes of their own lives.  Look for us on Youtube starting in July.