Mitch's Gardening Working with Motivated and Experienced Gardeners to Provide Reliable Gardening Services

Individuals who need high quality garden maintenance Perth or the design and development of new gardens can get such services from Mitch's Gardening, a company that focuses on delivering dependable results to clients.

Mitch's Gardening brings landscaping and gardening services to the residents of Perth, Western Australia, at affordable prices and exactly when they need it. The Perth-based company strives to provide specialty garden design, horticulture, and landscape maintenance services. Other services provided by Mitch’s Gardening include garden coaching, which is meant to help clients to achieve their desired results.

“Our main focus is to provide clients with the best gardening services that fit within their schedules,” says Mitch Baylis, Mitch’s Gardening Director. “That’s why we first focus on understanding the needs and aspirations of our potential clients before agreeing to any work.”

Mitch's Gardening provides maintenance and development of gardens for new premises or for those who would like to revamp of their existing gardens. The development stage includes everything from water wise irrigation systems, to sourcing and installing low maintenance plants and mulches. The company also covers those who would like a garden cleanup, followed by a DIY development plan.

Besides offering the ongoing development, Mitch’s gardening also provides maintenance services. Maintenance is an integral part of gardening, whether it’s a new garden or an existing one. Services such as irrigation repairs, pruning, and fertilizing and weed management are part of the ongoing activities required to develop a beautiful landscape. Proper attention to detail of open spaces is vitally important in making your property look pristine.

Because some people prefer to do some things by themselves, Mitch’s Gardening offers education and consultation services to clients. This includes giving clients professional gardening tips and training to enable them to perform many tasks on their own. The first step is assessing of the client’s garden and knowledge to establish key areas of training. The process also involves hands on training and a fortnightly maintenance plan, helping the client better care for the specific plants in their garden

About Mitchs Gardening

Mitchs Gardening is a team of highly motivated knowledgeable horticulturalists, who have years of professional experience maintaining gardens in Perth's challenging environment.

Mitchs Gardening
41 Peppworth Place
Jandakot , WA