Fusion Whole Body Recovery Fundraises for Local Foster Care

In partnership with Luke's Locker Southlake & non-profit Together We Rise, Fusion Whole Body Recovery would like to raise $2000 to purchase & decorate Sweet Cases. Sweet Cases are special dufflebags filled with stuffed animals, a hygiene kit, blanket, coloring books, crayons, etc., which replace the trash bags given when a child enters into the system.

Fusion Whole Body Recovery opened in March of 2014, led by co-founders Kristen Colosi and Jennifer Duranczyk.  They provide a holistic recovery treatment center that aids in sports recovery, pre/post surgery, chronic pain and inflammation.   Treatment packages include cryotherapy, orthopedic medical massage, and self care for young and old alike.

Cryotherapy is a whole-body treatment when skin is exposed to hyper-cooled air temperatures ranging from -133˚ F to -320˚ F in order to help decrease inflammation, increase cellular survival, decrease pain, and promote overall health and performance. In addition, Fusion Whole Body Recovery has advanced massage therapists (including co-owner Jennifer Duranczyk) that specialize in orthopedic bodywork, ART (active release technique) sports massage, kinesio taping and many other modalities. To encourage continued self-care, Fusion provides a dedicated treatment room that contains an infrared sauna and jade massage treatments, which is complimentary for clients.

Giving back has always been important to us at Fusion, and as a future foster parent, the cause is a personal one for me. Foster kids don't deserve trash bags. Typically when a foster child is entering the system, they are given two trash bags for the few belongings that they do have. And this is how they move from home to home. By partnering with Together We Rise, we are helping to make a memorable change for a local foster child.

Kristen Colosi, Co-founder

With expansion and growth, the team works to build and sustain long standing relationships with community physicians, instructors, coaches, teachers and studio/gym owners to help expand health and awareness in Colleyville and the surrounding areas.  In its efforts, Fusion Whole Body Recovery sponsored and served as the sports recovery center for the Lone Star Brahmas, the Dallas Derby Devils, the Lake Grapevine Runners & Walkers race events, and now the USA professional women’s cycling team, Visit Dallas Cycling, and Mixed Martial Arts fighter, Evan Cutts.  ​

About Fusion Whole Body Recovery

Fusion Whole Body Recovery offers a new approach to pain relief and recovery for its clients. They differ from existing options for recovery because they offer the most advanced units & treatments available in the industry, all in one convenient location. Highly qualified therapists will also host a wide variety of innovative workshops and seminars to assist clients in their personal body recovery.

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Kristen Colosi & Jennifer Duranczyk at 817-442-9424 or email at info@fusionwbrecovery.com.