Free St. Louis Legal Information Site Marks 1 Year Anniversary a free legal information website geared to low income residents of Missouri celebrated it's one year anniversary on Halloween, October 31, 2015.

The free St. Louis website dedicated to helping low income people learn how to competently represent themselves in municipal court, celebrated it's one year anniversary on October 31, 2015. The website provides links to free legal assistance, municipal ordinances, state statutes, provides useful legal article and information including videos for those trying to navigate the justice system on their own.

Randall Hill, a North St. Louis resident and author of "Legal Research for Non-Lawyers", created the website after being repeatedly harassed and witnessing firsthand the disparity and biases of St. Louis area courts. The Ferguson Protest which began after the killing of Michael Brown provided additional motivation. Although there are some attorneys providing free legal services, the need is much greater than the supply.

After losing his job, Mr. Hill experienced legal issues and couldn't afford a lawyer; he spent hundreds of hours in area law libraries doing independent study to learn how to defend himself.  Randall Hill has won twelve of thirteen cases since 2012, including one case where he represented himself during a trial by jury. His thirteenth case is currently before the Missouri Court of Appeals; Mr. Hill claims the court improperly denied him a trial by jury in that case.

After seeing other self represented people being treated unfairly and losing in court, Randall Hill decided to share what he learned to help others by publishing free legal information at Although the site is targeted towards  black St. Louisans, the information useful and available to all Missourians. Randall Hill is not an attorney and points out that he does not provide legal advice. Mr. Hill advises self representation isn't for everyone. Mr. Hill advises everyone to seek competent professional legal services, especially for serious matters, whenever possible.

The site is targeted towards black St. Louisans, and provides lessons from history to explain current conditions faced by many African Americans. However, the information is available to all Missourians. Mr. Hill stated, stated, "the model of legal dependency is outdated, people need to know how to help themselves, rather than being held captive by a judicial monopoly". Mr. Hill expressed, "if you have a $500 legal issue, it doesn't make sense to pay an attorney $1,000, but it does make sense to use some of your free time to learn about the law and to use a few hour of vacation time to attend court" ... " doesn't provide everything you'll need, but it will give you a head start and point you in the right direction".