Fix the Hurt Announces Release of New DVD Produced to Reduce Dating Violence with Free Premier Screening

Fix The Hurt a non-profit whose goal is to raise awareness of solutions to domestic and teen dating violence, announced today a free premier screening of "I Have This Friend", Thursday June 4, 2015 at 7:00pm. LOCATION - Film Bar -815 N. 2nd Street, Phoenix, 85004.

Fix the Hurt Announces Release of New DVD Produced to Reduce

Dating Violence with Free Premier Screening

" We are so excited about the Premier Screening of the Musical "I Have this Friend"

Linda King, President

 Fix The Hurt a non-profit whose goal is to raise awareness of solutions to domestic and teen dating violence, announced today a free premier screening of “I Have This Friend”, Thursday June 4,  2015 at 7:00pm.  LOCATION – Film Bar -815 N. 2nd Street, Phoenix, 85004.

The premier screening is celebrating the release of their DVD “I Have This Friend”, which is an entertaining, dramatic, compelling video of a live stage performance sure to engage the hearts and minds of young people everywhere. With a team of talented writers, composers and performers, we launched “Domestic Violence the Musical”, which has been met with standing ovations. After several years of International and national tours, Fix The Hurt has added “Control.Assault.Delete” and “I Have This Friend” to the lineup of training programs.

In “I Have This Friend”, observe as a young man writes a forty-five minute story about dating violence and the characters of his play try to control his writing. Your heart nearly breaks as a young girl, who has been murdered by her boyfriend, sings “The Me I Could Have Been.” See the “Red Flag” scurry across the stage each time an issue occurs, telling us the signs to watch out for in a dating relationships. Watch as parents and others become aware of the true danger of dating violence and start to make changes.

1.5 million teens experience physical abuse from dating partners nationwide each year.  Violent relationships in adolescence can have serious ramifications by putting the victims at higher risk for substance abuse, eating disorders, risky sexual behavior, suicidal and homicidal risks, we have decided to put I Have This Friend on DVD to expand our ability to get this training into as many hands as possible.

Fix The Hurt has presented training in military installations, prisons, colleges and high schools from California to North Carolina.  Our goal is to increase the awareness of one of the toughest social issues of the time.

For More Information contact: Linda King, President

Fix the Hurt Corp -

P. O. Box 1106, Mesa, AZ  85211

Phone 480 834-3387   Email:

About Fix The Hurt

501C3 Non Profit Agency Since 2005, Fix the Hurt has worked to increase awareness of domestic and dating violence through our interactive theater performances. From military installations and correctional facilities to high schools and community nonp

Fix The Hurt
1046 E University
Mesa, AZ