Broward County Public Schools Hosts First National Summit for Principal Supervisors

Broward County Public Schools Hosts First National Summit for Principal Supervisors Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 11-13, 2016

Broward County Public Schools is proud to host the first National Summit for Principal Supervisors at the Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 11- 13, 2016.  Superintendents, district leadership and principal supervisors from across the nation will engage in professional development opportunities aimed at improving the outcomes of school principals.

Attendees can expect two power-packed days of training and networking aligned with this year’s inaugural theme, “Rethinking Leadership, Transforming Leaders.”

Sponsored by the Council of Great of Schools and the Wallace Foundation, the summit is designed to provide innovative and critical training for education leaders. It follows a study released by the Council of Great City Schools, which revealed school districts increasingly rely on principal supervisors and the important role they play in supporting principals. The summit is also part of the Wallace Foundation’s significant five-year commitment to helping urban school districts improve the effectiveness of principal supervisors, as they work to assist principals in ensuring the quality of teaching and learning in schools.

”The principal supervisor position has emerged as central to improving principals' performance," said Wallace Foundation President Will Miller. "To strengthen this critical role, this new initiative will assist districts in rethinking how their central offices are organized to provide better support to principals in schools."

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“We are excited to partner with the Council of Great City Schools and the Wallace Foundation to bring this important professional development opportunity to educational leaders across the country,” said Broward County Public Schools Superintendent Robert W. Runcie. “Ensuring school leaders have the support they need to provide high quality instruction is critical to student success.”

Conference registration is now open, with special group and individual rates. The conference agenda includes workshops, panel presentations, roundtable sessions, exhibit hall of educational resources and services, and networking opportunities.

Providers of educational resources, products and services are invited to generate greater awareness and network with influential decision makers by becoming an exhibitor at the Education Resource Fair. Sponsors are also encouraged to partner in this first of its kind convention of educational leaders.

 To attend, present, exhibit or sponsor the first National Summit for Principal Supervisors, visit: or call 754-321-3636.




Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) is the sixth largest public school system in the United States and the second largest in the state of Florida. BCPS is Florida’s first fully accredited school system since 1962. BCPS has nearly 270,000 students and approximately 175,000 adult students in 238 schools, centers and technical colleges, and 104 charter schools. BCPS serves a diverse student population. Students are from 204 different countries and speak 135 different languages. For more information about BCPS and the Centennial Celebration, visit, follow BCPS on Twitter @browardschools, like BCPS on Facebook at, and download the free BCPS mobile app.