PG Calculator: New Scientific Calculator For Android And IPhone

Get Real About Numbers With The PG Calculator App - The Only Calculator You Will Ever Need

Calculator applications for your mobile are not new but they have been mainly for the 'back to school' buyers. Let's face it; school is the only place where algebra is talked about like it's at all relevant to everyday life. In truth the University of Life is where you need a calculator for real life numbers and that is where PG Calculator comes in.

The PG Calculator is first and foremost a scientific calculator available on both Android and iOS. PG Calculator is a real nifty calculator with a real look and the capability to give you real information feedback with the true numbers in real life. Boffins who are at home on the street with numbers, algebra and equations, will appreciate the classic skin of the amazing PG Calculator. And for other people there are six alternative looks. Notably 'Violet' that puts uncluttered math up front with stuff like adding up and taking away.

Whatever your choice of skin, the PG Calculator will do it all by the numbers, from calculating your next utility bill, multiplying kilowatt hours by the unit price with 4 decimal places and adding on the sales tax percentage, to complex trigonometry and logarithms. And if you have a need for complex numbers then the PG Calculator is the ONLY calculator application that will let you do that too.

Do you remember 'Please Excuse My Aunt Sally' or the much less interesting BODMAS? They are mnemonics taught in school so we all juggle our numbers in the same order. Which operating order does your calculator work in? If you don't know, you should find out, because it can make all the difference in the world, to the information on which you make your important decisions.

You have 2 operating styles to choose from with the PG Calculator, 'RPN' or 'algebraic'. Pop quiz: What does RPN stand for? Answer; Reverse Polish Notation, but it doesn't matter what it's called because with the PG Calculator it means you enter your numbers in the order that you want them calculated and they are 'stacked' and worked, on a first in last out basis. So for example if you want to calculate (3+4)*5 you simply type as follows: 3 ENTER 4 ENTER + 5 ENTER *. The ENTER key places the number on stack and the operator keys do the task on the numbers in your mental stack to give you the correct answer every time. Perhaps one of the best features of the application is that when placed in algebraic mode the PG Calculator takes in entire math expressions such as (2+3)*(4-1) or sin (? /3) +cos (?/6) etc. It then gives you the correct result according to the conventional mathematical operators.

Time is money, they say, but money and life is also all about numbers. We all need to work the numbers wherever we are and whatever our walk of life. Take that gorgeous new Infiniti you are dreaming about for example. Many people buy cars thinking the sticker price is the actual price...WRONG. The number on the windshield is not real. Get out your iPhone or Android cell and call up the PG Calculator app. In the 'Time Value of Money' calculator, punch in the sticker price, your installments, your loan time period and find the REAL price that never shows on the sticker. Then ask yourself, 'do I really want to pay THAT much'?

PG Calculator Pro Great Features in Short;
* The only calculator with complex numbers.
* PG Calculator operates in two essential working modes - Algebraic and RPN.
* The PG Calculator Pro version also has additional functions. It has a list of commonly used mathematical and physical constants. The application allows to users to access user-defined variables.
* The PG Calculator Pro also comes complete with a financial module and that essential 'Time value of Money' function.
* It also has an IP calculator to find the network and broadcast addresses that any given IP address is linked with. This is extremely useful for network engineers.

You only need one calculator on your phone. Get real and make your calculator application the PG Calculator, the number cruncher of choice for real people that need their number problems solving fast.

About Piotr Gridniew

Piotr Gridniew

Dublin, Ireland,
