"Your Story. Your Way" Joins the List of Self-Published Work by Indians

When keen, the mind searches for ways to fulfil what the heart desires. And if the heart desires success then the mind has to find ways to achieve success.

“Your Story. Your way” is a book for all those who want to start off on their journey to success. Nudging the readers in the right direction, it outlines the key questions they need to ask themselves. The answers to these questions will help the readers script a story that they can look back at and call a success.

​Hemant Bohra, author and publisher, is an entrepreneur and a storyteller. He joins an increasing list of authors who have decided to take the self-publishing route.

On the occasion of the launch of his book, Hemant said: “You need to ask questions to yourself. Success means different things to different people. Therefore, answers to these questions too need to be your own. When that happens you have success on your terms and your story your way.”

The epub and paperback versions of the book are available on Amazon. Check it out at http://www.amazon.in/Your-Story-Way-Hemant-Bohra-ebook/dp/B01BC1OGDW/

About Your Story Your Way