New World Order - Forum

"The New World Order Forum" is the place to check out all of the current news concerning the New World Order.

"The New World Order Forum" Here's a forum where one can check out all of the current news concerning the new world order, global government, and the Illuminati. This forum is the place where you can voice your opinion or read up on current events, the freemasons, Illuminati, New World Order, etc. Visit as often as you like.

I believe that there's a Secret Society (Illuminati, Freemason, etc.) agenda to establish a New World Order and that this New World Order will be a fulfillment of bible prophecy concerning the last days. Daniel 8: 23 Rev. 13: 4, 5, 7 Ultimately my hope is that the content presented here may make you wake up and think about what's going on in the world today. Sadly, our education, press,
TV and day-to-day activities all collude against us to prevent independent thinking.

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