Chase ITS Delivers CSI-style Data Analysis of Organisations' Phone Calls, Email, Voicemail, Documents, Etc.

JumpTo Forensics from Chase ITS launches today giving companies the real time ability to spot trends and exceptions in day to day business activity as well as to analyse specific subject matter down to individual emails, phone messages or calls

JumpTo Forensics from Chase ITS launches today allowing any business a holistic view across all of its data, be it email, voice, IM, documents or whatever. This system gives companies the real time ability to spot trends and exceptions in day to day business activity as well as to analyse specific subject matter down to individual emails, phone messages or calls. It also includes the Emotion Index(tm) enabling users to show graphically times of high emotion within conversations and emails. It also produces timelines showing areas of stress-filled content and language to quickly focus any investigation. This exciting forensic technology is new to the business market but its obvious benefits can be seen in the demonstration of the forensics system (* see below for details).

The Forensics system is a unique application of a number of technologies that allow organisations to capture and record data from all sources (email, voicemail, mobile phones, land lines, IM, etc), analyse the content, and deliver in a customised view the key points being discussed or written about, without pre-training the system with keywords. The user is then able to cast his/her eye over a list or data wheel and drill down into specific references that pique their interest. This might be an exclamation during a phone conversation or a name mentioned in a series of email conversations. The system then takes the user to the specific messages, documents or recordings that contain the content.

Nigel Cannings, Technical Director for Chase ITS, comments, "The best way to understand the true implications of this technology is to see what it is capable of delivering. For example, we have taken the publicly available data from the Enron investigations and pushed it into our JumpTo Forensics engine. The results are incredible and clearly demonstrate how this system can help organisations to spot unusual or unacceptable activity at source. We can highlight specific terms that are of interest to companies or we can allow the technology to highlight the terms that it recognises as topical or exceptional. The result is an ability to get to the crux of an issue immediately and potentially avoid a disaster. If problems already exist, the ability to find relevant evidence is incredible."

*A presentation/demonstration of the key functionality of JumpTo Forensics is available at the following places: (for downloading)
The recording is 8 minutes long but worth seeing through to the end where the latest addition - Emotion Index - is shown and explained.

JumpTo Forensics is available immediately as a hosted service. Information is obtained from current internal systems, processed, and is made available via a web portal.