August 2013 - Binarries Presents - The State of the Binary Options Market presents an overview of the Binary Options market through an infographic. is a binary options brokers review website for brokers from all over the world for their services, trading platforms, news and updates. The main purpose of the website is to provide investors with accurate, timely and insightful information on binary options trading.

We have put together an infographic to highlight different aspects of trading and the variety of elements that comprise the life-cycle of a single trade and illustrate the multifaceted nature of the industry. In order to produce a reliable graphic, we first compiled a list of questions that we deemed as the most relevant in the field of binary options.

To begin our research we limited the scope to a handful of questions. We wanted to know what is the size of average deposit, will the trader continue trading after the initial deposit, how many trades does each trader perform on average, how many binary options brokerages are there, who provides the trading platform, what is the cost of advertising and how important is the broker's brand in relation consumer choice.

The infographic provides an answer to all of these questions and more.
Infographics are a great tool for their visual component. People receive input from all five of their senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell, taste), but still receive significantly more information visually. The purpose of the infographic is to translate complex information into graphs and concepts that are easy to comprehend and put into practice. The infographic illustrates the different aspects of trading binary options and its purpose is to provide a soft landing for those who are interested in trading binary options. is a full-service website that provides traders and investors with pertinent information in order to trade successfully. We cover all the angles, including news and opinion with a section on market news and op-eds on the most exciting investment opportunities, recent innovations and insights on a variety of topics that influence the markets.

