Strategic Legal Management: From Matter Management to Geolegal risk

Hence is an award-winning software company whose solutions align legal work with business strategy. And we prepare law firms to thrive in a geopolitically complex world.


Hence has deployed its Strategic Legal Management suite to the world’s largest companies. Fortune 500s no longer need disconnected point solutions to address outside counsel management, legal intake, matter management and litigation management – they can simply use Hence. Our new Geolegal product suite digests how political events create legal risks to help companies react and respond.


Our backend is powered by Palantir Foundry, an ontology-based data operations system deployed in the most complex and high-value government and commercial use cases.

Learn more about our unique relationship with Palantir.


Hence connects your legal department so it can empower your business to achieve its goals. If you have existing legal processes, we make them more intuitive and data-driven. If you don’t, we help establish them the right way. 

We enable collaboration and AI-supported learning so that you get smarter over time. 


Hence has been deployed in highly-sensitive Enterprise environments and is built upon Palantir Foundry, which meets the highest global compliance standards, including ISO, SOC, Fisma High, GDPR, and more.


Hence empowers companies big and small to transform their incomplete and disconnected legal processes into intuitive data-driven legal operations.

This saves time, cuts costs, improves outcomes, and drives efficiency.
“The legal industry has always suffered from a lack of data about performance and value, creating the conditions for an imperfect marketplace. Hence is changing this and enabling their clients to make better value-based decisions to be made by their clients.”
Al Giles, former Chief Revenue Officer at Axiom
“Hence sheds light on a company’s knowledge supply chain, ultimately amplifying company values through the entire value chain.”
Lisa Shu, Executive Director Newton Venture Program
“Hence brings together the information teams need to transform how they run legal operations, making it easier for management and GCs to implement and manage policies and giving them control they have never had before.”
Juan Pujadas, Former Vice-Chair PWC Global Advisory Services
“The information and intelligence Hence can offer is vital and beneficial for clients.”
Peter Smith, Author of Bad Buying
“Hence has a pioneering solution to this pervasive and costly problem built in an innovative and actionable way.”
Michael Brunt, Former GM of The Times & Publisher/COO of The Economist

Hence in the media.

News, articles and other thought leadership.

Transform how you work with lawyers

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