Meet the Professionals

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Stephanie Zimmerman

Director of Pharmacy Development and Training

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Stephanie possesses more than 27 years of experience in health care and independent pharmacy. Her professional history includes positions such as Human Resource Manager, Marketing Director, Project Manager/ Business Coach for 80+ pharmacies, and she has personally owned multiple businesses in other fields.

Part of her duties included opening a Wellness Center with the focus on diabetic patients and starting a weight loss program for the community.

Stephanie has come to rely on a key set of skills to effectively help businesses thrive.

By creating systems, setting goals and getting your employees on board, Stephanie will work with the pharmacy owners and staff to maximize profitability while enhancing the lives of your community.

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Lora Lassley

Research & Development

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Lora is responsible for the development and innovation of our topical product range that includes Ananda’s Health and Beauty line. She has spent 20+ years handling all aspects of professional prestige product development.

Prior to joining Ananda Health, Lora’s niche skills in technical research were instrumental in the development of Dermalogica skin care formulas. Joining when Dermalogica was a relatively young company, Lora wore many hats and navigated the complexities of launching products in 90+ international markets, including Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Israel, South Korea, Thailand, and Europe.

Lora earned her degree in biology at SFSU and has completed the UCLA extension program for advances in Cosmetic Science by Rebecca Gadberry.

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QR Code CBD Certificate of Analysis COA Lookup Tool

Lora Lassley

Research & Development

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Chuck Tackett

Kentucky Hemp Farming Expert

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Chuck is a hard-working former tobacco farmer, state politician, and 4H/FFA advocate. On his 80+ acres of farmland, every blade of grass is perfect and there is nary a weed in sight. His attention to detail, professionalism, and work ethic produces the best in Kentucky-grown hemp. Chuck is a plant scientist, always experimenting on how best to propagate, grow, harvest, and grind hemp for the needs of Ananda.

By working with Chuck, Ananda has a reliable and safe source of consistent genetics to create our line of premium hemp nutraceuticals. Chuck's exceptional ability to educate and showcase his fields makes him an invaluable asset. Chuck brings respect, ethics, and genuine southern hospitality to the fledgling (and sometimes questionable) hemp industry.

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