If you are experiencing vision loss, Time To Be Bold can connect you with the help you need.

  • Call and speak to a person immediately through APH connect hotline
  • Learn new ways to approach everyday tasks and connect to a community of peers with Hadley.
  • Explore the helpful information provided on Time To Be Bold and continue learning on VisionAware.org.

You can do more than just survive. You can thrive.

If you can’t see something, say something.

Individuals with vision loss, including those who are totally blind, can learn adaptive skills and the use of technology to live safely and independently.

It is estimated that less than 5% of individuals with vision loss who are eligible for services seek them each year. 

Almost 1 in 10 individuals age 75 or older reports difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses. 

If you are living with limited vision, you can connect with services. Be bold and reach out.

Join Others Who've Found a Bright BOLD Future

Our Mission

Educate, engage, and empower people who are 55+ with low vision to maintain or regain their independence by utilizing the free or low-cost services provided by their respective state.

Our Goals

It is important to us that we provide connections to services for friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to live more independently. 


Services are available to individuals who are 55 and older. Requirements vary by state. We encourage all to seek out services.