

  • Marketing Specialists for the



Construct Marketing: Marketing Engineered

For the Construction Industry

Construct Marketing provides the resources of a marketing department to contractors, suppliers, manufacturers, and engineers to prime their marketing engine and gain a competitive advantage in the heavy construction industry.


Construction is our passion and marketing and promotion in that industry is our focus.  Our relationships, our knowledge, our assets are all tuned in to gaining a competitive advantage for our clients in the construction industry.

About Us


Construct Marketing manages marketing programs for companies operating in the heavy construction industry.   Our goal is to organize and manage components to prime a client's promotional engine and keep it running strong.


Think of us as your marketing department


  1. Communicate professionally.
  2. Message consistently.
  3. Disseminate effectively.

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  1. Differentiate yourself and stand out.
  2. Project a professional brand.
  3. Our Creativity: your competative edge.
  4. Our Portfolio.

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  1. Create a strategic campaign.
  2. Budget accordingly,
  3. Use professional creative.
  4. Manage efficiently and effectively.
  5. Evaluate.  Repeat.

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  1. Tell your story.
  2. Get the content flowing - keep it flowing.
  3. Know a client's prime content sources.
  4. Tools to help client create content: Content Builder & Content Line.

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Industry Media

  1. Utilize our industry press relationships to the client's benefit.
  2. Aggregate client activity, content production, and our assets...
  3. Press release to our proprietary presslist and via Newswire.

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Website & SEO

  1. Website development:  Planning, Architecture, Creative.
  2. Develop with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in mind.
  3. Outcome: A dynamic website that grows with your company.

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Social Media

  1. Prime the flow of internal and external content.
  2. Coordinate content into strategic social media channels.
  3. Build an audience and foster engagement.

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  1. Organize and evaluate the distribution data.
  2. Combine content and communications.
  3. Reach market via digital and/or print campaigns.

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Conferences & Events

  1. Strategy: Plan for what's coming.
  2. Execute: What & Who needs to be where?
  3. You: Focus on business development.

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  1. Engage the target industry sector.
  2. Monitor association opportunities.
  3. Utilize associations effectively for business development.

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Photography & Video Production

  1. Grow stock of client photography and video.
  2. Strengthen client photography assets to professional quality.
  3. Utilize Construct's creative talent to develop strong video assets.

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  1. Manage and organize all working client marketing assets.
  2. Clear program and opportunities communications to client.
  3. Cycles and budgets: Balance agility, outcomes and economics.

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Content Line

Clients Only

Dedicated voicemail line to record content.

Content Builder

Free tool for developing content.


A series of questions for civil works projects will extract the facts and fundamentals to start getting your content drafted.
At the end you get an e-mail with the questions and your answers. Share with your team for their additions.
You take it from there to create posts, articles, blogs, press releases, etc.
Tell your story.