PRP Making Strides in Aesthetics for 2013

PRP, or Platelet Rich Plasma, has been used in medicine for years. With the advent of the Vampire Facelift and media attention it has recently received, more and more physicians and patients are seeking out this all natural treatment.

PRP has been used in medicine for many years in orthopedics, pain management, and dentistry. Major athletes such as Kobe Bryant and Tiger Woods have had PRP therapy in order to prevent the need for surgery and to accelerate wound healing.

Although PRP has been used by a small number of plastic surgeons for years in order to promote speedier healing, PRP has gained more attention than ever before in the cosmetic and aesthetic world.

Enter the Vampire Facelift, which uses PRP as part of its formula for enhancing the face and decreasing wrinkles.

Kim Kardashian had the eyebrow raising procedure on her show recently, which spurned much criticism, curiosity, and attracted some power player physicians in Beverly Hills.

"Quite a few of my plastic surgeons have embraced PRP therapy and use it both in the office and in surgery now..patients heal quicker and are very pleased with their results" According to Sylvia Silvestri RN, a national trainer for the Vampire Facelift and PRP therapy.

Dr. Jason Diamond MD, a world renown facial plastic surgeon, has recently incorporated PRP into his practice and has been quite impressed with the results. "I am always looking at new technology to add to my practice, and PRP has enhanced my outcome as far as healing time after facelift.

Dr. Harry Glassman MD has been using PRP therapy for years. "I found that my patients were recovering quicker after surgery with minimal swelling and and downtime."

Because PRP is taken from the patients own blood, there are no adverse reactions associated with it. It is an easy procedure that can be done in the office and takes about an hour.