Studies Show That Experienced Teachers Raise the Achievements of Students

"Good teachers do well with students at all levels of achievement, and there is no evidence that teacher education or performance on a certification examination contributes to quality teaching."

Results of many studies confirm that good teachers increase student’s achievement. The average student who has an experienced teacher can expect better annual success than the average student with a median teacher. Serious questions have risen among many about the requirement and productivity in hiring teachers with a post - graduate degree or higher qualifications with greater pay structures. It is seen that in the first year teachers have much lower performance on an average. After which the performances improve remarkably in the fourth year. So in urban school districts, mainly the teachers in their first year of teaching life are at a disadvantage and leaves job frequently because of their poorer performance.

The people in authority of making educational policies put the thought that its worrisome for them to see that high quality teachers leave urban schools in inconsistent numbers. According to them the teachers who change districts are almost equivalent in quantity and it’s beneficial for students to have a teacher from the same race.

Research on student-teacher relationships has been conquered by debates about how teachers meet student’s emotional and interpersonal needs. Relationships between teachers and students play a big role in reassuring student’s academic and social development. Experienced teachers here make a huge impact in the student’s life and academic career. They are the ones who have the caliber to understand the needs of every individual student and educate them accordingly. It has been noted that in spite of strong signals that students benefit from the care of their teachers, teachers are often forced to prioritize academics over their relationships with students due to the burdens of government policy which involve standardized testing and teacher’s responsibility.

There are several issues in the society in relation to facts like trouble in a student-teacher relationship, getting the best teachers with a caring nature and how much to rely for education and other courses at schools or institutions. But amid all these issues there still are many experienced teachers around Australia who are blessings to have for a student. Similarly, an experienced teacher in Brisbane is not hard to find, getting to know that many such dedicated teachers keep all the other problems aside to make their way towards helping students create shining careers in life.