New York Trauma Therapist, Shelley English Offers High Quality Trauma Counselling & Support Services

Shelley English is a trauma therapist & counsellor at New York Trauma Therapy specializing in counselling and support services including psychodynamic & multimodel therapy.

Shelley English is a trauma therapist ( and counsellor providing counselling and support services including psychodynamic (for couples, families and individuals in need of counseling) and multimodel therapy (for injured athletes, accident victims of all ages, physical & sexual assault, emotional abuse and natural disasters). She holds Masters Degrees in both Clinical and Developmental Psychology, and is a New York State Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC).

New York trauma therapist ( and counsellor offers support for individuals & groups throughout the process of recovery from sports injuries, accidents, chronic and terminal illnesses, physical and sexual assaults, domestic violence, military service injuries and natural disasters. Shelley English works in conjunction with patients and doctors to design individualized Integrative Wellness Programs and packages that offer a wide range of health care services as determined through analysis of health histories, current medical and psychological profiles and ability to participate in the process set forth in their individual health programs. She is a skilled and compassionate counsellor for people recovering from trauma. Her special interests include clinical practice with patients suffering from depression, PTSD and anxiety resulting from trauma.

New York Trauma Therapy helps patients to recover their abilities and return to normal sense of self and functioning, through trauma counselling. It also helps to regain their concentration, focus and functioning at work and the tasks of daily life.
Check the below website to know more on trauma counselling and support services.

About New York Trauma Therapy

New York Trauma Therapy
211 East 43rd St. Suite 2301 NY,
New York, NY
