Liferay Intranet - the Benefits Are Compelling

A Liferay intranet solution will give your organization a powerful platform to get things done and share knowledge online in a secure environment...

A Liferay intranet solution will give your organization a powerful platform to get things done and share knowledge online in a secure environment. Liferay intranet being an open source solution offers huge cost savings in the total cost of ownership when compared to a proprietary software based solution.

The open source software solutions have come a long way and today match or exceed the performance of comparable proprietary software based solutions. Take for example security. Today Liferay based intranets offer government grade security using the latest encryption technologies. It is the reason why investment banks and the US department of Defense use Liferay based solutions, they trust the Liferay intranet solution to keep confidential information safe.

A key need while evaluating options is to be able to have a clear idea what a solution is going to look like without having to commit to it. And the great part of a Liferay intranet solution is that you can have a trial set up quite easily for you if you get in touch with a leading Liferay consulting service. Another great reason for opting for a Liferay based enterprise intranet solution is that it is a feature rich solution. Liferay being open source you get all these features if you opt for it, you do not have to pay for them as extras. Liferay offers you more than sixty tools and twenty themes to choose from.

Liferay is the leading open source intranet solution which means it is well established and is compatible with major operating systems, application servers and databases. That means a Liferay based solution will most likely be able to work in your existing IT set up without requiring painful reconfiguration. Being an open source solution you also know that you are not bound to a single company when you opt for it. This makes the value proposition much easier to evaluate. If you opt for a Liferay based solution you can soon be enjoying all the benefits of a truly powerful intranet platform.

You can know more about a state of the art Liferay based intranet solution at