Beverly Hills Surgeon Offers Newest Lipo Procedure

Fans of plastic surgery are flocking to receive the newest form of body sculpting procedures known as Liposculpture. Patients claim that the procedure is natural, pain free, scar free, and requires a minimum amount of downtime following the procedure

Fans of plastic surgery are flocking to receive the newest form of body sculpting procedures known as Liposculpture. Patients claim that the procedure is natural, pain free, scar free, and requires a minimum amount of downtime following the procedure. Liposculpture is a minimally invasive liposuction that permanently removes unwanted fat using suction methods to sculpt, shape, smooth, and tighten the tissue and skin of the body. This method of treatment is less traumatic on the body than traditional liposuction procedures because doctors utilize smaller, more refined tools and instruments which allow for decreased, and even no bleeding and bruising, as well as much faster recovery times. Many patients praise the procedure because they are able to return to work and their normal everyday routine as soon as the next day. Because patients experience little to no pain and only very small skin punctures are used, there are no stitches and absolutely no visible scarring.

The Beverly Hills office Rejuvalife offers the breakthrough treatment to eligible patients. The also offer a multitude of safe and effective methods to help patients achieve a more sculpted physique, reduce fats, and tighten the skin. Rejuvalife also offers SmartLipo and Body Jet treatments and procedures. These treatments are commonly used to reshape problem areas in the body like the abdomen, waist, hips, thighs, buttocks, male breasts, knees, arms, jaw line, double chin, neck, and many more. Liposculpture is often used in conjunction with SmartLipo to reduce fat and sculpt the body with maximum results. SmartLipo can also be used to treat very small areas like the knees, chin, and for patients with loose, lax skin.

For more information you can reach the Rejuvalife Vitality Institute at 9400 Brighton Way, Suite 405, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 or call them 310-276-4494.

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