10 Easy Tips for Canker Sore Treatment

Take heart in the fact that your mouth ulcer pain won't last more than a few days and soon your mouth will be back to feeling normal.

Feel Better, Heal Faster, Canker sores, those sometimes-excruciatingly painful little mouth ulcers, can drive a person crazy, especially when trying to eat or drink. . There are a variety of canker sore treatments . Here are a few of the most popular.

Favorite Remedies

1) Make a home-made mouth rinse. One popular recipe is a mix of half water, half hydrogen peroxide. Swirl in your mouth and then rinse, taking care not to swallow. Do this several times a day.

2) Make a baking soda paste and apply it to your canker sore. Avoid eating or drinking for at least half an hour after application. Reapply 3-4 times per day.

3) Aloe Vera gel. Aloe is very soothing and may help heal your canker sore faster. You can buy aloe vera gel at health food stores or if you happen to have a plant in your yard, simply break off a leaf and split it open. Apply the gel directly to your mouth ulcer and feel the relief. You can reapply it several times per day.

4) Milk of magnesia. A number of dentists recommend this trick. Using a cotton swab, dab a little milk of magnesia or similar product such as Kaopectate to your sore. It will coat it and help protect it from irritation.

5) Black tea bag. The tannins in black tea may help relieve the pain from mouth ulcers. Dampen a tea bag and hold it in your mouth against the sore. Try to keep it there for as long as you can.

6) Try an over-the-counter product such as Gly-oxide, which contains peroxide and glycerin twice per day. The peroxide kills any bacteria and soothing glycerin will coat and protect the mouth sore and help prevent further irritation.

7) An application of a numbing agent such as benzocaine, which you can find at the drugstore, can provide some pain relief. You will need to apply it several times a day and it may initially burn before the numbing takes effect.

8) Vitamin E oil - Break open a Vitamin E capsule and dab the oil directly on your canker sore. It will coat the sore and protect it, and may aid the healing process.

9) Cayenne - This spice contains capsaicin, which may temporarily provide pain relief. Apply a small amount directly to the sore.

10) Apple Cider Vinegar - Although it may sting like the dickens at first, many people swear this kitchen cabinet favorite home remedy helps relieve canker sore pain and speed the healing, especially if the sore was caused by bacteria.

Take heart in the fact that your mouth ulcer pain won't last more than a few days and soon your mouth will be back to feeling normal.